

The path wound in leisurely curves now, but there was a straight cut down a slide of gravel, a dangerous slope even in firm ground, a terrible angle with those loose pebbles underfoot.Yet this was a time for chance-taking.

Already the dusty man on the roan rode with his revolver balanced for the snap shot.The next instant his gun swung down, he actually reined up in astonishment.The fugitive had flung himself far back against the cantle and sent Grey Molly at the slide.It was not a matter of running as the mare shot over the brink.Molly sat back on her haunches, braced her forelegs, and went down like an avalanche.Over the rush and roar of the pebbles, over the yell of wonder from the pursuers, she heard the voice of her rider, a clear and steady voice, and the tautened reins telegraphed to her bewildered mind the wish of the man.She struck the level with stunning force, toppled, nearly fell, and then straightened along her course in a staggering gallop.Started from its nice balance by the rush of stones they loosened, a ten-ton rock came toppling after, leaped up from the valley floor like a live thing, and then thundered away towards the river.

Grey Molly, finding her legs once more, tried the level going.She had beaten the same horses before under the crushing impost of Gregg's weight.

With this lighter rider who clung like a part of her, who gave perfectly to the rhythm of her gallop, she fairly walked away from the posse.Once, twice and again the gun spoke from the hand of Pete Glass, but it was the taking of a long last chance rather than a sign of closing on his chase.In ten minutes Grey Molly dipped out of sight among the hills.

After the first hour Barry could have cut away across country with little fear of discovery from the sheriff, but he was in no hurry to escape.

Sometimes he dismounted and looked to his cinches and talked to the horse.

Grey Molly listened with pricking ears and often canted her head to one side as though she strove to understand the game.

It was a new and singular pleasure to Barry.He was accustomed to the exhaustless, elastic strength of Satan, with the cunning brain of a beast of prey and the speed of an antelope.On the black horse he could have ridden circles around that posse all day.But Grey Molly was a different problem.She was not a force to be simply directed and controlled.She was something to be helped.Her very weakness, compared with the stallion, appealed to him.And it was a thrilling pleasure to feel his power over her grow until she, also, seemed to have entered the game.

A game it was, as he had said to Vic when they parted, with the rather essential difference that in this pastime one was tagged with a forty-five caliber chunk of lead and was quite apt to remain "it" for the remainder of eternity.Barry dropped further and further back towards the posse.The danger fascinated him.Once he whistled high and shrill as a hawk's scream from the top of a bluff while the posse labored through a ravine below.He saw the guns flash out, and waited.He heard the sing of the bullets around him, and the splashing lead on a solid-rock face just beneath him; he listened till the deep echoes spoke from the gulch, then waved his hat and disappeared.

This was almost defeating the purpose of his play for if he came that close again they would probably make out that they were following a decoy.

Accordingly, since he had now drawn them well away from Vic's line of escape, he turned his back reluctantly on the posse and struck across the hills.

He kept on for the better part of an hour before he doubled and swung in a wide circle towards his cabin.He had laid out a course which the wise sheriff could follow until dark and be none the wiser; and if Pete Glass were the finest trailer who ever studied sign and would never be able to read the tokens of the return ride.Accordingly, with all this well in mind, he brought Grey Molly to a full halt and gazed around, utterly stunned by surprise, when, half way up the valley, a rifle spoke small but sharp from one side, and a bullet clipped the rocks not the length of the horse away.He understood.When he cut straightaway across the country he had indeed left a baffling trail, a trail so dim, in fact, that Pete Glass had wisely given it up and taken the long chance by cutting back to the point at which the hunt began.So their paths crossed.

Barry spoke sharply to the mare and loosed the reins, but she started into a full gallop too late.There came a brief hum, a thudding blow, and Grey Molly pitched forward.

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