

"Perhaps you drew each other across seas.You will stand here together and you will tell her of this--on this very spot."Mount Dunstan changed his position and laughed roughly, as if to rouse himself.He threw out his arm in a big, uneasy gesture, taking in the room.

"Oh, come," he said."You talk like a seer.Look about you.Look! I am to bring her here!""If it is the primeval thing she will not care.Why should she?""She! Bring a life like hers to this! Or perhaps you mean that her own wealth might make her surroundings becoming--that a man would endure that?"

"If it is the primeval thing, YOU would not care.You would have forgotten that you two had ever lived an hour apart."He spoke with a deep, moved gravity--almost as if he were speaking of the first Titan building of the earth.Mount Dunstan staring at his delicate, insistent, elderly face, tried to laugh again--and failed because the effort seemed actually irreverent.

It was a singular hypnotic moment, indeed.He himself was hypnotised.A flashlight of new vision blazed before him and left him dumb.He took up his pipe hurriedly, and with still unsteady fingers began to refill it.When it was filled he lighted it, and then without a word of answer left the hearth and began to tramp up and down the room again--out of the dim light into the shadows, back out of the shadows and into the dim light again, his brow working and his teeth holding hard his amber mouthpiece.

The morning awakening of a normal healthy human creature should be a joyous thing.After the soul's long hours of release from the burden of the body, its long hours spent--one can only say in awe at the mystery of it, "away, away"--in flight, perhaps, on broad, tireless wings, beating softly in fair, far skies, breathing pure life, to be brought back to renew the strength of each dawning day; after these hours of quiescence of limb and nerve and brain, the morning life returning should unseal for the body clear eyes of peace at least.In time to come this will be so, when the soul's wings are stronger, the body more attuned to infinite law and the race a greater power--but as yet it often seems as though the winged thing came back a lagging and reluctant rebel against its fate and the chain which draws it back a prisoner to its toil.

It had seemed so often to Mount Dunstan--oftener than not.Youth should not know such awakening, he was well aware; but he had known it sometimes even when he had been a child, and since his return from his ill-starred struggle in America, the dull and reluctant facing of the day had become a habit.Yet on the morning after his talk with his friend--the curious, uplifted, unpractical talk which had seemed to hypnotise him--he knew when he opened his eyes to the light that he had awakened as a man should awake--with an unreasoning sense of pleasure in the life and health of his own body, as he stretched mighty limbs, strong after the night's rest, and feeling that there was work to be done.It was all unreasoning--there was no more to be done than on those other days which he had wakened to with bitterness, because they seemed useless and empty of any worth--but this morning the mere light of the sun was of use, the rustle of the small breeze in the leaves, the soft floating past of the white clouds, the mere fact that the great blind-faced, stately house was his own, that he could tramp far over lands which were his heritage, unfed though they might be, and that the very rustics who would pass him in the lanes were, so to speak, his own people: that he had name, life, even the common thing of hunger for his morning food--it was all of use.

  • 异闻记


  • 金陵百咏




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    晨靖柯给林曦的爱有别于普通情人。他将她培养得自强,独立,充满魅力,不需要任何人帮助也可以活得优雅大方迷人,实现了他最初的目的。但是最后他有点后悔,因为他的女孩太优秀,他在不在她身边她都过得很好,他承受不了不被她需要的落差感,躲了起来。 林曦颤颤巍巍站上领奖台,她以为他会来,可惜他没有,于是她克服了恐惧对着黑压压的观众向他表白:“今天我,能站在这里领这个奖,必须要感谢一个人,没有他,我绝无可能站在这里!我邀请他来和我共享这份荣耀,可惜他没来。”“如果没有他,我什么也不是,根本不可能出现在你们眼前。也许我还会住在某个城市大楼的地下室里,或者流浪在街头、公园里,被人追赶欺凌,做着体力劳动挣些钱来维持生计,没有机会接受高等教育,没有时间去思考自己的梦想是什么,更别说会站在这里了。他对我真的非常非常重要!”“啊,老实说,你们一定不相信刚刚我根本没有勇气上台,我有舞台恐惧症,受不了这么多人同时全部盯着我。”“可是我来了,因为想让一个人听到我的呼声,所以我站在了这里。亲爱的晨先生,躲起来真是你的强项。对不起。我们和好好不好?还有,我爱你。非常非常!”
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