"But it isn't," the Scarecrow assured him."You are now within the borders of the most glorious fairyland in all the world.This part of it is just a corner of the Quadling Country, and the least interesting portion of it.It's not very thickly settled, around here, I'll admit, but --"He was interrupted by a sudden whir and a rush of air as the four Orks mounted into the sky.
"Good night!" called the shrill voices of the strange creatures, and although Trot shouted "Good night!" as loudly as she could, the little girl was almost ready to cry because the Orks had not waited to be properly thanked for all their kindness to her and to Cap'n Bill.
But the Orks were gone, and thanks for good deeds do not amount to much except to prove one's politeness.
"Well, friends," said the Scarecrow, "we mustn't stay here in the meadows all night, so let us find a pleasant place to sleep.Not that it matters to me, in the least, for I never sleep; but I know that meat people like to shut their eyes and lie still during the dark hours.""I'm pretty tired," admitted Trot, yawning as she followed the straw man along a tiny path, "so, if you don't find a house handy, Cap'n Bill and I will sleep under the trees, or even on this soft grass."But a house was not very far off, although when the Scarecrow stumbled upon it there was no light in it whatever.Cap'n Bill knocked on the door several times, and there being no response the Scarecrow boldly lifted the latch and walked in, followed by the others.And no sooner had they entered than a soft light filled the room.Trot couldn't tell where it came from, for no lamp of any sort was visible, but she did not waste much time on this problem, because directly in the center of the room stood a table set for three, with lots of good food on it and several of the dishes smoking hot.
The little girl and Button-Bright both uttered exclamations of pleasure, but they looked in vain for any cook stove or fireplace, or for any person who might have prepared for them this delicious feast.
"It's fairyland," muttered the boy, tossing his cap in a corner and seating himself at the table."This supper smells 'most as good as that turkey-leg I had in Jinxland.Please pass the muffins, Cap'n Bill."Trot thought it was strange that no people but themselves were in the house, but on the wall opposite the door was a gold frame bearing in big letters the word:
So she had no further hesitation in eating of the food so mysteriously prepared for them.
"But there are only places for three!" she exclaimed.
"Three are quite enough," said the Scarecrow."I never eat, because I am stuffed full already, and I like my nice clean straw better than I do food."Trot and the sailor-man were hungry and made a hearty meal, for not since they had left home had they tasted such good food.It was surprising that Button-Bright could eat so soon after his feast in Jinxland, but the boy always ate whenever there was an opportunity."If Idon't eat now," he said, "the next time I'm hungry I'll wish I had.""Really, Cap'n," remarked Trot, when she found a dish of ice-cream appear beside her plate, "I b'lieve this is fairyland, sure enough.""There's no doubt of it, Trot," he answered gravely"I've been here before," said Button-Bright, "so Iknow."
After supper they discovered three tiny bedrooms adjoining the big living room of the house, and in each room was a comfortable white bed with downy pillows.You may be sure that the tired mortals were not long in bidding the Scarecrow good night and creeping into their beds, where they slept soundly until morning.
For the first time since they set eyes on the terrible whirlpool, Trot and Cap'n Bill were free from anxiety and care.Button-Bright never worried about anything.The Scarecrow, not being able to sleep, looked out of the window and tried to count the stars.