
第12章 Chapter 2(3)

'Um!'said the soldier of the Ludhiana Sikhs.'There was a Mohammedan regiment lay next to us at the Pirzai Kotal,and a priest of theirs -he was,as I remember,a naik -when the fit was on him,spake prophecies.

But the mad all are in God's keeping.His officers overlooked much in that man.'

The lama fell back on Urdu,remembering that he was in a strange land.

'Hear the tale of the Arrow which our Lord loosed from the bow,'he said.

This was much more to their taste,and they listened curiously while he told it.'Now,O people of Hind,I go to seek that River.Know ye aught that may guide me,for we be all men and women in evil case.'

'There is Gunga -and Gunga alone -who washes away sin,'ran the murmur round the carriage.

'Though past question we have good Gods Jullundur-way,'said the cultivator's wife,looking out of the window.'See how they have blessed the crops.'

'To search every river in the Punjab is no small matter,'said her husband.

'For me,a stream that leaves good silt on my land suffices,and I thank Bhumia,the God of the Home-stead.'He shrugged one knotted,bronzed shoulder.

'Think you our Lord came so far North?'said the lama,turning to Kim.

'It may be,'Kim replied soothingly,as he spat red pan-juice on the floor.

'The last of the Great Ones,'said the Sikh with authority,'was Sikander Julkarn [Alexander the Great].He paved the streets of Jullundur and built a great tank near Umballa.That pavement holds to this day;and the tank is there also.I never heard of thy God.'

'Let thy hair grow long and talk Punjabi,'said the young soldier jestingly to Kim,quoting a Northern proverb.'That is all that makes a Sikh.'But he did not say this very loud.

The lama sighed and shrank into himself,a dingy,shapeless mass.In the pauses of their talk they could hear the low droning -'Om mane pudme hum!Om mane pudme hum !'-and the thick click of the wooden rosary beads.

'It irks me,'he said at last.'The speed and the clatter irk me.Moreover,my chela ,I think that maybe we have over-passed that River.'

'Peace,peace,'said Kim.'Was not the River near Benares?We are yet far from the place.'

'But -if our Lord came North,it may be any one of these little ones that we have run across.'

'I do not know.'

'But thou wast sent to me -wast thou sent to me?-for the merit Ihad acquired over yonder at Such-zen.From beside the cannon didst thou come -bearing two faces -and two garbs.'

'Peace.One must not speak of these things here,'whispered Kim.'There was but one of me.Think again and thou wilt remember.A boy -a Hindu boy -by the great green cannon.'

'But was there not also an Englishman with a white beard holy among images -who himself made more sure my assurance of the River of the Arrow?'

'He -we -went to the Ajaib-Gher in Lahore to pray before the Gods there,'Kim explained to the openly listening company.'And the Sahib of the Wonder House talked to him -yes,this is truth -as a brother.He is a very holy man,from far beyond the Hills.Rest,thou.In time we come to Umballa.'

'But my River -the River of my healing?'

'And then,if it please thee,we will go hunting for that River on foot.

So that we miss nothing -not even a little rivulet in a field-side.'

'But thou hast a Search of thine own?'The lama -very pleased that he remembered so well -sat bolt upright.

'Ay,'said Kim,humouring him.The boy was entirely happy to be out chewing pan and seeing new people in the great good-tempered world.

'It was a bull -a Red Bull that shall come and help thee -and carry thee -whither?I have forgotten.A Red Bull on a green field,was it not?'

'Nay,it will carry me nowhere,'said Kim.'It is but a tale I told thee.'

'What is this?'The cultivator's wife leaned forward,her bracelets clinking on her arm.'Do ye both dream dreams?A Red Bull on a green field,that shall carry thee to the heavens -or what?Was it a vision?Did one make a prophecy?We have a Red Bull in our village behind Jullundur city,and he grazes by choice in the very greenest of our fields!'

'Give a woman an old wife's tale and a weaver-bird a leaf and a thread,they will weave wonderful things,'said the Sikh.'All holy men dream dreams,and by following holy men their disciples attain that power.

'A Red Bull on a green field,was it?'the lama repeated.'In a former life it may be thou hast acquired merit,and the Bull will come to reward thee.'

'Nay -nay -it was but a tale one told to me -for a jest belike.But I will seek the Bull about Umballa,and thou canst look for thy River and rest from the clatter of the train.'

'It may be that the Bull knows -that he is sent to guide us both,'said the lama,hopefully as a child.Then to the company,indicating Kim:

'This one was sent to me but yesterday.He is not,I think,of this world.'

'Beggars aplenty have I met,and holy men to boot,but never such a yogi nor such a disciple,'said the woman.

Her husband touched his forehead lightly with one finger and smiled.

But the next time the lama would eat they took care to give him of their best.

And at last -tired,sleepy,and dusty -they reached Umballa City Station.

'We abide here upon a law-suit,'said the cultivator's wife to Kim.

'We lodge with my man's cousin's younger brother.There is room also in the courtyard for thy yogi and for thee.Will -will he give me a blessing?'

'O holy man!A woman with a heart of gold gives us lodging for the night.

It is a kindly land,this land of the South.See how we have been helped since the dawn!'

The lama bowed his head in benediction.

'To fill my cousin's younger brother's house with wastrels -'the husband began,as he shouldered his heavy bamboo staff.

'Thy cousin's younger brother owes my father's cousin something yet on his daughter's marriage-feast,'said the woman crisply.'Let him put their food to that account.The yogi will beg,I doubt not.'

'Ay,I beg for him,'said Kim,anxious only to get the lama under shelter for the night,that he might seek Mahbub Ali's Englishman and deliver himself of the white stallion's pedigree.

  • 玩家来了


    当一个超等文明仅存的火种,奴役了地球上的一个废柴,并要求他帮助自己掠夺宇宙间的能源时,奇妙的事情发生了……——站立在真正的外星球上,一个大忽悠对他身边的一群人类说——这,只是一个游戏世界~——这一天,整个地球沸腾了~因为网游的新时代来了!人类将真正进入游戏世界里,体验刀刀烈火刀刀爆的快感!……这一天,整个外星文明懵逼了~因为,一群拥有着不死之身、猥琐、阴险、邪恶、残暴的自称‘玩家’的生物踏上了他们的国土,抢夺他们的资源,残杀他们的同胞,还要。。。。——这是一群逗比人类玩家征服宇宙的故事……你们好,我是已知宇宙中,最神的逗比…… 我来了,我带着一群玩家来了…… 宇宙万族啊,给我躺好!
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  • 暗黑王戒


    我是谁?我从哪里来?我将要去往哪里? 是了,我从黑暗中诞生,也于黑暗中崛起,最终必归寂于黑暗。我是操纵诸天万界的幕后黑手,也是玩弄洪荒宇宙的清算者。 我,就是那枚见证一切的血色戒指! 黑夜终将笼罩天穹,黎明将永不复出!
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