

"Colin Campbell?"says Henderland."Putting his head in a bees'byke!"

"He is to turn the tenants out by force,I hear?"said I.

"Yes,"says he,"but the business has gone back and forth,as folk say.First,James of the Glens rode to Edinburgh,and got some lawyer (a Stewart,nae doubt --they all hing together like bats in a steeple)and had the proceedings stayed.And then Colin Campbell cam'in again,and had the upper-hand before the Barons of Exchequer.And now they tell me the first of the tenants are to flit to-morrow.It's to begin at Duror under James's very windows,which doesnae seem wise by my humble way of it.""Do you think they'll fight?"I asked.

"Well,"says Henderland,"they're disarmed --or supposed to be --for there's still a good deal of cold iron lying by in quiet places.And then Colin Campbell has the sogers coming.But for all that,if I was his lady wife,I wouldnae be well pleased till I got him home again.They're queer customers,the Appin Stewarts."I asked if they were worse than their neighbours.

"No they,"said he."And that's the worst part of it.For if Colin Roy can get his business done in Appin,he has it all to begin again in the next country,which they call Mamore,and which is one of the countries of the Camerons.He's King's Factor upon both,and from both he has to drive out the tenants;and indeed,Mr.Balfour (to be open with ye),it's my belief that if he escapes the one lot,he'll get his death by the other."So we continued talking and walking the great part of the,day;until at last,Mr.Henderland after expressing his delight in my company,and satisfaction at meeting with a friend of Mr.

Campbell's ("whom,"says he,"I will make bold to call that sweet singer of our covenanted Zion"),proposed that I should make a short stage,and lie the night in his house a little beyond Kingairloch.To say truth,I was overjoyed;for I had no great desire for John of the Claymore,and since my double misadventure,first with the guide and next with the gentleman skipper,I stood in some fear of any Highland stranger.

Accordingly we shook hands upon the bargain,and came in the afternoon to a small house,standing alone by the shore of the Linnhe Loch.The sun was already gone from the desert mountains of Ardgour upon the hither side,but shone on those of Appin on the farther;the loch lay as still as a lake,only the gulls were crying round the sides of it;and the whole place seemed solemn and uncouth.

We had no sooner come to the door of Mr.Henderland's dwelling,than to my great surprise (for I was now used to the politeness of Highlanders)he burst rudely past me,dashed into the room,caught up a jar and a small horn-spoon,and began ladling snuff into his nose in most excessive quantities.Then he had a hearty fit of sneezing,and looked round upon me with a rather silly smile.

"It's a vow I took,"says he."I took a vow upon me that Iwouldnae carry it.Doubtless it's a great privation;but when Ithink upon the martyrs,not only to the Scottish Covenant but to other points of Christianity,I think shame to mind it."As soon as we had eaten (and porridge and whey was the best of the good man's diet)he took a grave face and said he had a duty to perform by Mr.Campbell,and that was to inquire into my state of mind towards God.I was inclined to smile at him since the business of the snuff;but he had not spoken long before he brought the tears into my eyes.There are two things that men should never weary of,goodness and humility;we get none too much of them in this rough world among cold,proud people;but Mr.Henderland had their very speech upon his tongue.And though I was a good deal puffed up with my adventures and with having come off,as the saying is,with flying colours;yet he soon had me on my knees beside a ******,poor old man,and both proud and glad to be there.

Before we went to bed he offered me sixpence to help me on my way,out of a scanty store he kept in the turf wall of his house;at which excess of goodness I knew not what to do.But at last he was so earnest with me that I thought it the more mannerly part to let him have his way,and so left him poorer than myself.

  • 剑尊纪


  • 尸门弃徒


  • 口袋妖怪之盛放的火焰


  • 重生之超能军团


  • 风华旨


  • 我很甜我知道


  • 别怂怼他


    苏溪,因小时候的一场火灾,脸部烧得溃烂,从小就接受许多异样眼光。父母为了不让苏溪太过自卑,培养了许多关于乐器,艺术方面的才能。但这个看脸的时代,只在乎外表。她被许多人无视,还是默默忍气吞声。因为一次车祸,苏溪不幸身亡,死前他似乎看到了一个西装革履的男人抱着她的尸体哭,可她真的不认识他呀!老天给了她弄清真想的机会,她居然重生了,还重生到一个刚刚转学进自己学校的抑郁症患者身上。话说,这位同学眼睛也太好看了吧!颜值那么高,为什么要拿头发遮住呢?手腕上的伤痕是自残吗?我长那么丑都没抑郁……正想着该如何找到那个男人,没想到,没过多久,居然在学校里碰到了……“是你吗,苏溪?” “苏溪,我愿意相信是你” “不管你是谁,我爱你,只因为你是你。”
  • 劫逆


  • 穿越之森


  • 史上之最强老祖

