

Nothing in this world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.


The time has come for the greatest idea in the world to take possession of your consciousness.It is a ****** idea,but when you open up your mind and let it in,you'll never be the same again.Like TNT it will rock the earth around you and beneath you.It will shake you to the foundations of your being.It will destroy old false concepts and replace them with new ones.It will eventually remove fear and worry from your life.It will release you from chronic nervous tensions,chase the butterflies out of your stomach,restore your self-confidence,give you a more positive attitude,and enable you to face things you've been running away from,for years!

All the great,successful men and women in this world have made use of this idea.It has been the dominant idea in their lives.Without it they could never have been great,in their way,or successful.

What is this idea?

It is the realization that what you picture in your mind,if you picture it clearly and confidently and persistently enough,will eventually come to pass in your life!

That's it! Oh,of course,there's a little more to it than that.But boiled down to the very essence,the wise men said it all when they said: "As a Man thinketh in his mind and in his heart so is he!"

Get it?"As a man pictures in his mind and in his heart—so is he!"

When this idea first hit me it knocked me down for the count.It was a real haymaker,because I had been blaming the other fellow,circumstances beyond my control,for the mess I was in.I just knew I hadn't been responsible for all the unhappy experiences I had undergone.Well,anyway,it helped salve my many hurts to pretend that I hadn't been to blame.But deep down within,I think I had finally begun to realize that the way I thought and felt about things had some connection with what was happening to me.

If I got up in the morning,depressed and convinced it was going to be a bad day,it more often than not turned out a bad day.At first I thought I was "psychic," that I could tell in advance what was going to happen.It took a long time and I took a lot of unnecessary punishment before it dawned on me that there is a universal law in the mental realm,"like always attracts like," and that I had been creating what happened to me by wrong thinking.

Looking around me,I saw happy men and women to whom happy things were happening.They got up in the morning expecting good things to come to them—and good things did!

Sometimes these happy people had unhappy experiences,but I noticed that they didn't let these experiences get them down.They got up the next day expecting more good things to happen,and sure enough more good things did!

Before my awakening came,this always amazed me.I even resented it.Why should just a different mental attitude make so much different?

I didn't know then that there is a mighty force in the world which scientists call electro-magnetism.I didn't know that everything in the universe is electro-magnetic in nature,that the laws of attraction and repulsion operate electro-magnetically; that when you assume a positive or negative attitude of mind,you get a positive or negative result; that there is no such thing as an accident in life—that everything happens in direct accordance with the laws of cause and effect!

Read and reread the above paragraph! Let these facts soak in till you never forget them—because they have the power to change your life!

There is nothing new to what I am telling you,except as it may be new to you.This same message has been written and delivered thousands of times.It runs through the Bible; you find it in the great fraternal orders; it led the Three Wise Men; the Crusaders carried it; every outstanding character of history has used it.Moses,Alexander the Great,Napoleon,Shakespeare,Washington,Lincoln,Benjamin Franklin,Edison,Dr.Steinmetz,Barnum,F.D.Roosevelt and numberless others had a grasp of "that something.”

The wisest men of all ages,the "medicine men," religious leaders,great teachers,the Mayan priests,the Yogis,healers and miracle men—all of them knew this secret.Some worked it one way,some another.

They pictured in their minds and hearts what they wanted—and what they pictured eventually came true!

Moses pictured leading his people to the Promised Land; Alexander the Great and Napoleon pictured great conquests; Shakespeare pictured the creation of his immortal writings; Washington pictured the winning of independence for the Thirteen Colonies; Lincoln pictured the freeing of the slaves and the preservation of the Union; Benjamin Franklin pictured the capturing of lightning through a kite,as a means of proving that electricity and lightning are the same force; Edison pictured the electric light,moving pictures,the phonograph,the electric train and countless other great inventions; Steinmetz pictured new uses for electric power; Barnum pictured "the greatest show on earth," a circus that would travel around the world by train; Roosevelt pictured leading his country out of its worst depression.

These were great pictures by great and inspired men,and all these pictures,held resolutely in mind and converted into action,were brought to pass by the faith and energy and vision and courage and steadfastness of each individual.

These,and many like them,were just human beings like yourself.If they knew and could achieve,so can you.

Halt! Think! Ponder!

What made these people great? It was that they pictured themselves attaining! They dared to picture great achievement.And the power within,given these pictures to work on,finally brought them into being.

You have to think big to be big.A small man is made up of small thoughts.He cannot remain small and think big.

Reflect for a moment!

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