

Historical Importance of his Character and Genius.

If you want to comprehend a building, you have to imagine the circumstances, I mean the difficulties and the means, the kind and quality of its available materials, the moment, the opportunity, and the urgency of the demand for it. But, still more important, we must consider the genius and taste of the architect, especially whether he is the proprietor, whether he built it to live in himself, and, once installed in it, whether he took pains to adapt it to how own way of living, to his own necessities, to his own use. - Such is the social edifice erected by Napoleon Bonaparte, its architect, proprietor, and principal occupant from 1799 to 1814. It is he who has made modern France; never was an individual character so profoundly stamped on any collective work, so that, to comprehend the work, we must first study the character of the Man.[2]

I. Napoleon's Past and Personality.

He is of another race and another century. - Origin of his paternal family. - Transplanted to Corsica. - His maternal family. -Laetitia Ramolino. - Persistence of Corsican souvenirs in Napoleon's mind. - His youthful sentiments regarding Corsica and France. -Indications found in his early compositions and in his style. -Current monarchical or democratic ideas have no hold on him. - His impressions of the 20th of June and 10th of August after the 31st of May. - His associations with Robespierre and Barras without committing himself. - His sentiments and the side he takes Vendémiaire 13th. - The great Condottière. - His character and conduct in Italy.

- Description of him morally and physically in 1798. - The early and sudden ascendancy which he exerts. Analogous in spirit and character to his Italian ancestors of the XVth century.

Disproportionate in all things, but, stranger still, he is not only out of the common run, but there is no standard of measurement for him; through his temperament, instincts, faculties, imagination, passions, and moral constitution he seems cast in a special mould, composed of another metal than that which enters into the composition of his fellows and contemporaries. Evidently he is not a Frenchman, nor a man of the eighteenth century; he belongs to another race and another epoch.[3] We detect in him, at the first glance, the foreigner, the Italian,[4] and something more, apart and beyond these, surpassing all similitude or analogy.-Italian he was through blood and lineage; first, through his paternal family, which is Tuscan,[5] and which we can follow down from the twelfth century, at Florence, then at San Miniato ; next at Sarzana, a small, backward, remote town in the state of Genoa, where, from father to son, it vegetates obscurely in provincial isolation, through a long line of notaries and municipal syndics. "My origin," says Napoleon himself,[6] " has made all Italians regard me as a compatriot. . . . When the question of the marriage of my sister Pauline with Prince Borghése came up there was but one voice in Rome and in Tuscany, in that family, and with all its connections: 'It will do,' said all of them, 'it's amongst ourselves, it is one of our own families...'" When the Pope later hesitated about coming to Paris to crown Napoleon, "the Italian party in the Conclave prevailed against the Austrian party by supporting political arguments with the following slight tribute to national amour propre: 'After all we are imposing an Italian family on the barbarians, to govern them.

We are revenging ourselves on the Gauls.'" Significant words, which will one day throw light upon the depths of the Italian nature, the eldest daughter of modern civilization, imbued with her right of primogeniture, persisting in her grudge against the transalpines, the rancorous inheritor of Roman pride and of antique patriotism.[7]

From Sarzana, a Bonaparte emigrates to Corsica, where he establishes himself and lives after 1529. The following year Florence is taken and subjugated for good. Henceforth, in Tuscany, under Alexander de Medici, then under Cosmo I. and his successors, in all Italy under Spanish rule, municipal independence, private feuds, the great exploits of political adventures and successful usurpations, the system of ephemeral principalities, based on force and fraud, all give way to permanent repression, monarchical discipline, external order, and a certain species of public tranquility. Thus, just at the time when the energy and ambition, the vigorous and free sap of the Middle Ages begins to run down and then dry up in the shriveled trunk,[8] a small detached branch takes root in an island, not less Italian but almost barbarous, amidst institutions, customs, and passions belonging to the primitive medieval epoch,[9] and in a social atmosphere sufficiently rude for the maintenance of all its vigor and harshness.

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    【她是东城最美的美人儿,明明有颜值,偏要靠才华。】闺蜜笑她很傻很倔,明明可以母凭子贵,嫁入豪门。可是她却说:“靠山山都会倒,何况是男人。”【他是东城最有权柄的显贵,爱车如命,追求完美,喜冬日的冷。】传闻他天生对女人无感,未婚妻貌美如花,他也不动分毫,他的兄弟都劝他去看病。可是直到遇到她,他的眼里再也容不下其他的任何女人,她就是他所追求的完美。【两人相识便是如菱角】他带着霸道和占有欲,她却不安分,不愿意做个乖乖的美人,倔的找虐。他不喜她的倔,一次次的想要磨平她的獠牙,却遭她反抗,逃避,置之不理。【她以为他爱的不过是她的美貌和身体。】用独断的宠,促成她的身败名裂,别人口中的水性杨花,浪荡不堪。【直到后来的后来,她实在不愿意忍耐决定要离开。】“你的游戏到此为止吧,我愿意净身出户,只希望你不要再来纠缠我。”【他躺在沙发上,小酌清茶,邪眸带笑。】“染染,公司我已经全部划在你的名下,以后你要负责养我,我负责吃软饭。”【本文1v1双洁,娇妻一步步升职的故事。】 推荐校园旧文:遇到她时天很蓝。
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