32. When you have reduced the bones to their place, the modes of treatment, whether you expect the bones to exfoliate or not, have been already described. All those cases in which an exfoliation of bone is expected, should be treated by the method of bandaging with cloths, beginning for the most part at the middle of the bandage, as is done with the double-headed bandage; but particular attention should be paid to the shape of the wound, so that its lips may gape or be distorted as little as possible under the bandage. Sometimes the turns of the bandage have to be made to the right, and sometimes to the left, and sometimes a double-headed bandage is to be used.
《伯恩的背叛》已经遭受了巨大损失,但一份资料还是震惊了伯恩,他在这个世界上的最后一个伙伴Martin Lindros失踪了。作为CIA的负责人之一,Martin Lindros负责可疑原子弹武器,于是伯恩决定要营救出他的朋友,并且完成一个任务:拆除恐怖主义网络所建立的核武器装备,以及切断他们的资金来源。但伯恩不知道,这些伊斯兰头领的危险程度究竟有多大,他们的关系网横跨非洲、中东、东欧。他们已经预料到了伯恩的每一步行动。蜜恋百分百:校草大人,哪里逃