

"Does it ache very bad?" said Phronsie, in a soft little voice. Then reaching up she began to pat and smooth it gently with one little hand, "Very bad, dear grandpa?""It won't," said the old gentleman, "if you only keep on taking care of it, little Phronsie.""Then," said the child, perfectly delighted, "rm going to take all care of you, grandpa, always!""So you shall, so you shall!" cried Mr. King, no less delighted than she was. "Mrs. Pepper!""Sir?" said Mrs. Pepper, trying to answer, which she couldn't do very well surrounded as she was by the crowd of little chatterers.

"Yes, Sir; excuse me what is it, sir?"

"We've got to come to an understanding about this thing," said the old gentleman, "and I can't talk much to-day, because my headache won't allow it.

Here the worried look came into Phronsie's face again, and she began to try to smooth his head with both little hands.

"And so I must say it all in as few words as possible," he continued.

"What is it, sir?" again asked Mrs. Pepper, wonderingly. "Well, the fact is, I've got to have somebody who will keep this house. Now Marian, not a word!" as he saw symptoms of Mrs. Whitney's joining in the conversation. "You've been good; just as good as can be under the circumstances; but Mason will be home in the fall, and then I suppose you'll have to go with him. "Now 1," said the old gentleman, forgetting all about his head, and straightening himself up suddenly in the chair, "am going to get things into shape, so that the house will be kept for all of us; so that we can come or go. And how can I do it better than to have the Peppers--you, Mrs. Pepper, and all your children--come here and live, and"-- "Oh, father!" cried Jasper, rushing up to him; and flinging his arms around his neck, he gave him such a hug as he hadn't received for many a day.

"Goodness, Jasper!" cried his father, feeling of his throat. "How can you express your feelings so violently! And, besides, you interrupt.""Beg pardon, sir," said Jasper, swallowing his excitement, and trying to control his eagerness.

"Do you say yes, Mrs. Pepper?" queried the old gentleman impatiently. "I must get this thing fixed up to-day. I'm really too ill to be worried ma'am.""Why sir," stammered Mrs. Pepper, "I don't know what to say. Icouldn't think of imposing all my children on you, and"----"Imposing! Who's talking of imposing!" said Mr. King in a loud key. "I want my house kept; will you live here and keep it? That is the question.""But sir," began Mrs. Pepper again, "you don't think"---- "I do think; I tell you, ma'am, I do think," snapped the old gentleman.

"It's just because I have thought that I've made up my mind. Will you do it Mrs. Pepper?""What you goin' to do, mamsie?" asked Joel quickly.

"I don't know as I'm going to do anything yet," said poor Mrs.

Pepper, who was almost stunned.

"To come here and live!" cried Jasper, unable to keep still any longer--and springing to the children. "Don't you want to, Joe?""To live!" screamed Joel. "Oh whickety, yes! Do ma, do come here and live--do!""To live?" echoed Phronsie, over in the old gentleman's lap. "In this be-yew-ti-ful place? Oh, oh!""Oh, mamsie!" that was all Polly could say.

And even Ben had his arms around his mother's neck, whispering "Do" into her ear, while little Davie got into her lap and teased her with all his might.

What shall I do! cried the poor woman. Did ever anybody see the like?""It's the very best thing you could possibly do," cried the old gentleman. "Don't you see it's for the children's advantage?

They'll get such educations, Mrs. Pepper, as you want for them.

And it accommodates me immensely. What obstacle can there be to it?""If I was only sure 'twas best?" said Mrs. Pepper doubtfully.

"Oh, dear Mrs. Pepper," said Mrs. Whitney, laying her hand on hers. "Can you doubt it?""Then," said Mr. King, getting up, but still holding on to Phronsie, "we'll consider it settled. This is your home, children," he said, waving his hand at the five little Peppers in a bunch. And having thus summarily disposed of the whole business, he marched out with Phronsie on his shoulder.

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