

And then arose a hubbub of voices, a chaos of suggestions; friends rushed to and fro between the camps, some emerging from their seats in the synagogue to add to the confusion. But Eliphaz had taken his stand upon a rock--he had no more ready money. To-morrow, the next day, he would have some. And Leibel, pale and dogged, clutched tighter at those machines that were slipping away momently from him. He had not yet seen his bride that morning, and so her face was shadowy compared with the tangibility of those machines. Most of the other maidens were married women by now, and the situation was growing desperate. From the female camp came terrible rumours of bridesmaids in hysterics, and a bride that tore her wreath in a passion of shame and humiliation.

Eliphaz sent word that he would give an I O U for the balance, but that he really could not muster any more current coin. Sugarman instructed the ambassador to suggest that Eliphaz should raise the money among his friends.

And the short spring day slipped away. In vain the minister, apprised of the block, lengthened out the formulae for the other pairs, and blessed them with more reposeful unction. It was impossible to stave off the Leibel-Green item indefinitely, and at last Rose remained the only orange-wreathed spinster in the synagogue. And then there was a hush of solemn suspense, that swelled gradually into a steady rumble of babbling tongues, as minute succeeded minute and the final bridal party still failed to appear. The latest bulletin pictured the bride in a dead faint. The afternoon was waning fast. The minister left his post near the canopy, under which so many lives had been united, and came to add his white tie to the forces for compromise. But he fared no better than the others. Incensed at the obstinacy of the antagonists, he declared he would close the synagogue. He gave the couple ten minutes to marry in or quit. Then chaos came, and pandemonium--a frantic babel of suggestion and exhortation from the crowd. When five minutes had passed a legate from Eliphaz announced that his side had scraped together twenty pounds, and that this was their final bid.

Leibel wavered; the long day's combat had told upon him; the reports of the bride's distress had weakened him. Even Sugarman had lost his cocksureness of victory. A few minutes more and both commissions might slip through his fingers. Once the parties left the synagogue, it would not be easy to drive them there another day. But he cheered on his man still: one could always surrender at the tenth minute.

At the eighth the buzz of tongues faltered suddenly, to be transposed into a new key, so to speak. Through the gesticulating assembly swept that murmur of expectation which crowds know when the procession is coming at last. By some mysterious magnetism all were aware that the BRIDE herself--the poor hysteric bride--had left the paternal camp, was coming in person to plead with her mercenary lover.

And as the glory of her and the flowers and the white draperies loomed upon Leibel's vision his heart melted in worship, and he knew his citadel would crumble in ruins at her first glance, at her first touch. Was it fair fighting? As his troubled vision cleared, and as she came nigh unto him, he saw to his amazement that she was speckless and composed--no trace of tears dimmed the fairness of her face, there was no disarray in her bridal wreath.

The clock showed the ninth minute.

She put her hand appeallingly on his arm, while a heavenly light came into her face--the expression of a Joan of Arc animating her country.

"Do not give in, Leibel!" she said. "Do not have me! Do not let them persuade thee! By my life, thou must not! Go home!"

So at the eleventh minute the vanquished Eliphaz produced the balance, and they all lived happily ever afterward.

  • 科魔宇宙


  • 萝莉行不行


  • 女配重生系统


  • 杀手有情,复仇成爱:帝凰


  • 我的系统实在太坑了


    每天醒来的第一件事,安小凡就担心自己是不是又重生了!直到999次的重生,伴随而来的是一个“大魔王”的神秘系统!只要是重生过的世界,任何东西都能兑换!称霸一方的超级宗门?兑换导弹,夷平整个宗门!上古天火的掌控者?一张炎帝体验卡,让你感受绝望的滋味!无敌于世界的圣人?一张如来佛祖体验卡,尝尝被五指山支配的恐惧!…… 不过安小凡眼下的第一件事,是要阻止自己那个高冷、且倾国倾城、且强大、且高贵的仙女师尊出嫁…… (本书又名:我不想再死了!这个任务太难了!沙雕系统实在是太坑了!我的系统想杀我……)
  • 千央界


  • 拽女追爱:男神么么哒


    本书三大逗比原则:1、女主变男主,男主变女主。例如:“我告诉你!你一听要嫁给我,你放心,我一定会娶你的!”慕容茜大声喝道。男主无语。2、请各位读者,在观看途中不要有喝水等跟液体有关的活动,谢谢!亲~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~3、(最重要)本书作者太美。
  • 励志女孩初长成


  • 何仙没有姑


  • 无限游戏进化

