

We have already called to mind how important it is to lead on to the content as the content of actuality, of the present; for the rational must have objective truth. The reconciliation of spirit with the world, the glorification of nature and of all actuality, must not be a Beyond, a Futurity, but must be accomplished now and here. It is this moment of the now and here which thereby comes into self-consciousness. But those who make experiments and observations, do not realize what they are really doing, for the sole interest taken by them in things, is owing to the inward and unconscious certainty which reason has of finding itself in actuality; and observations and experiments, if entered upon in a right way, result in showing that the Notion is the only objective existence. The sensuous individual eludes the experiments even while it is being operated upon, and becomes a universal; the best known example of this is to be found in positive and negative electricity in so far as it is positive and negative. There is another shortcoming of a formal nature, and one of which all empiricists partake, - that is that they believe themselves to be keeping to experience alone; it is to them an unknown fact that in receiving these perceptions they are indulging in metaphysics. Man does not stop short at the individual, nor can he do so. He seeks the universal, but thoughts, even if not Notions likewise, are what constitute the same. The most remarkable thought-form is that of force; we thus speak of the force of electricity, of magnetism, of gravity. Force, however, is a universal and not a perceptible; quite uncritically and unconsciously the empiricists thus permit of determinations such as these.

3. Bacon finally gives the objects with which Philosophy mainly has to deal. These objects contrast much with that which we derive from perception and experience. “In the summary which Bacon gives of what he conceives ought to be the objects of philosophical inquiry, are the following; and we select those which he principally dwells upon in his works: ‘The prolongation of life; the restitution of youth in some degree; the retardation of old age, and the altering of statures; the altering of features; versions of bodies into other bodies; ****** of new species; impression of the air and raising tempests; greater pleasures of the senses, &c.’” He likewise deals with objects such as these, and he seeks to direct attention upon whether in their regard the means could not be found to carry out their ends; in such powers we should be able to make some progress. “He complains that such investigations have been neglected by those whom be designates ignavi regionum exploratores. In his Natural History he gives formal receipts for ****** gold, and performing many wonders.” (10) Bacon thus does not by any means take the intelligent standpoint of an investigation of nature, being still involved in the grossest superstition, false magic, &c. This we find to be on the whole propounded in an intelligent way, and Bacon thus remains within the conceptions of his time. “The conversion of silver, quicksilver, or any other metal into gold is a thing difficult to believe, yet it is far more probable that a man who knows clearly the natures of weight, of the colour of yellow, of malleability, and extension, of volatility and fixedness, and who has also made diligent search into the first seeds and menstruums of minerals, may at last by much and sagacious endeavour produce gold, than that a few grains of an elixir may so do. . . .

So again a man who knows well the nature of rarefaction, of assimilation, and of alimentation, shall by diets, bathings, and the like prolong life, or in some degree renew the vigour of youth.” (11)These assertions are thus not as crude as they at first appear. In dealing with Medicine Bacon speaks amongst other things of maceration (Malacissatio per exterius) (12) and so forth.

Bacon emphasizes what has reference to the formal aspect of investigation. For he says, “Natural philosophy is divided into two parts, the first consists in the investigation of causes; the second in the production of effects; the causes to be investigated are either final or formal causes, or else material or efficient causes. The former constitutes metaphysics; the latter physics. This last Bacon looks upon as a branch of philosophy very inferior in point of dignity and importance to the other and accordingly to ascertain the most probable means of improving our knowledge of metaphysics is the great object of his Organon." (13) He himself says: “It is a correct position that ‘true knowledge is knowledge by causes. And causes, again, are not improperly, distributed into four kind: the material, the formal, the efficient, and the final.’” (14) (Vol. I. p. 174, Vol. II. p. 138.)But in this connection an important point is that Bacon has turned against the teleological investigation of nature, against the investigation into final causes. “The investigation of final causes is useless; they corrupt rather than advance the sciences except such as have to do with human action.” (15) To Bacon the important matter is to investigate by the study of caus? efficientes.

  • 洪荒最强靓仔


    曾誉为洪荒界百亿年天才的他,在上古神魔战役中, 被人设计陷害,导致洪荒祖境尽毁!他因为神罪的点燃,荒废半张脸!在这场引发神罪的途中,惹怒五族大帝联手诛杀洪荒令,从而肉身尽毁,堕入虚无。却意外夺舍了一位貌比潘安的男子身上,发生了巨大的逆袭。背负神罪的诅咒,我洪荒祖帝花君邪逆袭而归!这条村,叫靓仔村,在这万界,叫我靓仔!待我归来,最强靓仔!我有一股神源印,可吞宇宙日月星。
  • 我的安妮小姐


  • 爱时百病残身


  • 妃不做小之正室的范儿


  • 天行


  • 假面骑士恶魔旅行者


  • 回到过去当学霸


  • 伊人劫


    伊人劫:权谋王妃祸乱天下 伊人百媚笑倾城,半世浮萍红颜劫。他大沅的皇帝——沅子胤,笑面如春,一代明君,却为了她,夺臣妻,毁了英名失了天下。他大沅的王爷——沅子佑,清冷深沉,却为了她弑君谋反夺得天下。他大沅的将军——娄策,一世只为守护她,为了她一次又一次的付出。他沧冀大王——贺兰萧,护她陪她一生。却让整个沧冀做了陪葬。他沂国皇上——公子衍,只为博她一笑,却终不得,遗憾中死去。她——纳颜伊,三朝为后,腹黑回归,负本宫的,只能死------。沅子佑,你不是爱江上吗?那本宫就夺了你的江山。她是三朝帝王的挚爱,为她皆可放弃皇位,且看女主如何在权利阴谋,算计陷害中求得安宁,怎样在红颜之战中得以生存,当爱背负上仇恨,她如何自处...当她腹黑回归,又会掀起怎样的风波...当天下大乱,烈酒饮下,苦的是谁的心,痛的是谁的一生...伊人皇后几度废立,又入冷宫且看女主如何在权利阴谋的宫廷下求得安宁,怎样在红颜之战中得以生存,又如何在挚爱亲手编制的阴谋中走下去....
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