

Mr. Bucket, still having his professional hold of Jo and appearing to Mr. Snagsby to possess an unlimited number of eyes, makes a little way into this room, when Jo starts and stops.

"What's the matter?" says Bucket in a whisper.

"There she is!" cries Jo.


"The lady!"

A female figure, closely veiled, stands in the middle of the room, where the light falls upon it. It is quite still and silent. The front of the figure is towards them, but it takes no notice of their entrance and remains like a statue.

"Now, tell me," says Bucket aloud, "how you know that to be the lady.""I know the wale," replies Jo, staring, "and the bonnet, and the gownd.""Be quite sure of what you say, Tough," returns Bucket, narrowly observant of him. "Look again.""I am a-looking as hard as ever I can look," says Jo with starting eyes, "and that there's the wale, the bonnet, and the gownd.""What about those rings you told me of?" asks Bucket.

"A-sparkling all over here," says Jo, rubbing the fingers of his left hand on the knuckles of his right without taking his eyes from the figure.

The figure removes the right-hand glove and shows the hand.

"Now, what do you say to that?" asks Bucket.

Jo shakes his head. "Not rings a bit like them. Not a hand like that.""What are you talking of?" says Bucket, evidently pleased though, and well pleased too.

"Hand was a deal whiter, a deal delicater, and a deal smaller,"returns Jo.

"Why, you'll tell me I'm my own mother next," says Mr. Bucket. "Do you recollect the lady's voice?""I think I does," says Jo.

The figure speaks. "Was it at all like this? I will speak as long as you like if you are not sure. Was it this voice, or at all like this voice?"Jo looks aghast at Mr. Bucket. "Not a bit!"

"Then, what," retorts that worthy, pointing to the figure, "did you say it was the lady for?""Cos," says Jo with a perplexed stare but without being at all shaken in his certainty, "cos that there's the wale, the bonnet, and the gownd. It is her and it an't her. It an't her hand, nor yet her rings, nor yet her woice. But that there's the wale, the bonnet, and the gownd, and they're wore the same way wot she wore 'em, and it's her height wot she wos, and she giv me a sov'ring and hooked it.""Well!" says Mr. Bucket slightly, "we haven't got much good out of YOU. But, however, here's five shillings for you. Take care how you spend it, and don't get yourself into trouble." Bucket stealthily tells the coins from one hand into the other like counters--which is a way he has, his principal use of them being in these games of skill--and then puts them, in a little pile, into the boy's hand and takes him out to the door, leaving Mr. Snagsby, not by any means comfortable under these mysterious circumstances, alone with the veiled figure. But on Mr. Tulkinghorn's coming into the room, the veil is raised and a sufficiently good-looking Frenchwoman is revealed, though her expression is something of the intensest.

"Thank you, Mademoiselle Hortense," says Mr. Tulkinghorn with his usual equanimity. "I will give you no further trouble about this little wager.""You will do me the kindness to remember, sir, that I am not at present placed?" says mademoiselle.

"Certainly, certainly!"

"And to confer upon me the favour of your distinguished recommendation?""By all means, Mademoiselle Hortense."

"A word from Mr. Tulkinghorn is so powerful.""It shall not be wanting, mademoiselle."

"Receive the assurance of my devoted gratitude, dear sir.""Good night."

Mademoiselle goes out with an air of native gentility; and Mr.

Bucket, to whom it is, on an emergency, as natural to be groom of the ceremonies as it is to be anything else, shows her downstairs, not without gallantry.

"Well, Bucket?" quoth Mr. Tulkinghorn on his return.

"It's all squared, you see, as I squared it myself, sir. There an't a doubt that it was the other one with this one's dress on.

The boy was exact respecting colours and everything. Mr. Snagsby, I promised you as a man that he should be sent away all right.

Don't say it wasn't done!"

"You have kept your word, sir," returns the stationer; "and if Ican be of no further use, Mr. Tulkinghorn, I think, as my little woman will be getting anxious--""Thank you, Snagsby, no further use," says Mr. Tulkinghorn. "I am quite indebted to you for the trouble you have taken already.""Not at all, sir. I wish you good night."

"You see, Mr. Snagsby," says Mr. Bucket, accompanying him to the door and shaking hands with him over and over again, "what I like in you is that you're a man it's of no use pumping; that's what YOUare. When you know you have done a right thing, you put it away, and it's done with and gone, and there's an end of it. That's what YOU do.""That is certainly what I endeavour to do, sir," returns Mr.


"No, you don't do yourself justice. It an't what you endeavour to do," says Mr. Bucket, shaking hands with him and blessing him in the tenderest manner, "it's what you DO. That's what I estimate in a man in your way of business."Mr. Snagsby makes a suitable response and goes homeward so confused by the events of the evening that he is doubtful of his being awake and out--doubtful of the reality of the streets through which he goes--doubtful of the reality of the moon that shines above him.

He is presently reassured on these subjects by the unchallengeable reality of Mrs. Snagsby, sitting up with her head in a perfect beehive of curl-papers and night-cap, who has dispatched Guster to the police-station with official intelligence of her husband's being made away with, and who within the last two hours has passed through every stage of swooning with the greatest decorum. But as the little woman feelingly says, many thanks she gets for it!

  • ESSAYS-1


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  • 低碳能源:新时代的绿色引擎


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  • 天行


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  • 天行


  • 蓝瞳谜案


    慕蓉楚澜,新时代检察官! 年轻貌美的法学才女兼大侦探,经手破获外加办理各类刑事案件数百起。 但这起案件却是那么的与众不同......为探索身世之谜,跨越时空的漩涡...... 来到另一个世界的慕蓉楚澜,直接被丢来个寻找神秘灵物—宇辰的使命! 完成使命的过程中,其依旧轻车熟路, 放火、土埋、水溺、中毒、天葬等等, 无论何种案件,看她如何各个击破。 新队友蓝羟蒂、思芮、红狼,以及那位缠上了自己的小跟班墨弦,又都有着怎样的身世背景...... 层层谜案掺杂着爱恨情仇, 让我们共同见证几人在战火纷飞的年代,如何携手与共走上重划世界版图的道路吧……
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