

"Within a year I have lost fifty thousand dollars.""You don't say so.""Yes; it was through a man who had charge of my property.

I think now I shall manage my money matters myself.""Doubtless you are right. That was certainly a heavy loss.

I shouldn't like to lose so much. I suppose, however, you had something left?""Oh yes," answered Rodney in an indifferent tone.

"He must be rich to make so little account of fifty thousand dollars," thought the squire.

"How long do you propose to stay in town, Mr. Pettigrew?" he asked.

"I can't tell, sir, but I don't think I can spare more than three or four days.""May I hope that you and Mr. Ropes will take supper with me tomorrow evening?""Say the next day and we'll come. Tomorrow I must go to my uncle's.""Oh very well!"Squire Sheldon privately resolved to pump Rodney as to the investment of his property. He was curious to learn first how much the boy was worth, for if there was anything that the squire worshiped it was wealth. He was glad to find that Mr.

Pettigrew had only brought home five hundred dollars, as it was not enough to lift the mortgage on his uncle's farm.

After they were left alone Jefferson Pettigrew turned to Rodney and said, "Do you mind my leaving you a short time and calling at my uncle's?""Not at all, Mr. Pettigrew. I can pass my time very well."Jefferson Pettigrew directed his steps to an old fashioned farmhouse about half a mile from the village. In the rear the roof sloped down so that the eaves were only five feet from the ground. The house was large though the rooms were few in number.

In the sitting room sat an old man and his wife, who was nearly as old. It was not a picture of cheerful old age, for each looked sad. The sadness of old age is pathetic for there is an absence of hope, and courage, such as younger people are apt to feel even when they are weighed down by trouble.

Cyrus Hooper was seventy one, his wife two years younger.

During the greater part of their lives they had been well to do, if not prosperous, but now their money was gone, and there was a mortgage on the old home which they could not pay.

"I don't know whats goin' to become of us, Nancy," said Cyrus Hooper.

"We'll have to leave the old home, and when the farm's been sold there won't be much left over and above the mortgage which Louis Sheldon holds.""Don't you think the squire will give you a little more time, Cyrus?""No; I saw him yesterday, and he's sot on buyin' in the farm for himself. He reckons it won't fetch more'n eighteen hundred dollars.""Thats only six hundred over the mortgage.""It isn't that Nancy. There's about a hundred dollars due in interest. We won't get more'n five hundred dollars.""Surely, Cyrus, the farm is worth three thousand dollars.""So it is, Nancy, but that won't do us any good, as long as no one wants it more'n the squire.""I wish Jefferson were at home.""What good would it do? I surmise he hasn't made any money.

He never did have much enterprise, that boy.""He was allus a good boy, Cyrus.""That's so, Nancy, but he didn't seem cut out for makin' money.

Still it would do me good to see him. Maybe we might have a home together, and manage to live."Just then a neighbor entered.

"Have you heard the news?" she asked.

"No; what is it?"

"Your nephew Jefferson Pettigrew has got back.""You don't mean so. There, Jefferson, that's one comfort.""And they say he has brought home five hundred dollars.""That's more'n I thought he'd bring. Where is he?""Over at the tavern. He's brought a young man with him, leastways a boy, that's got a lot of money.""The boy?""Yes; he's from New York, and is a friend of Jefferson's.""Well, I'm glad he's back. Why didn't he come here?""It's likely he would if the boy wasn't with him.""Perhaps he heard of my misfortune.""I hope it'll all come right, Mr. Hooper. My, if there ain't Jefferson comin' to see you now. I see him through the winder.

I guess I'll be goin'. You'll want to see him alone."

  • 秦时之仙


  • 圣徒之上


  • 如初难


  • 守护甜心之梦缨的翅膀


  • 千金归来之学神请接招


  • 英雄联盟之本色


  • 泣血箫骨


  • 蕴武霸世


  • 弹指青春一挥间


  • 主角他铁石心肠

