

Rodney told his story frankly. Mrs. Harvey was very sympathetic by nature, and she listened with the deepest interest, and latterly with indignation when Rodney spoke of his dismissal from Mr. Goodnow's store.

"You have been treated shamefully," she said warmly.

"I think Mr. Goodnow really believes me guilty," rejoined Rodney.

"A dishonest boy would hardly have returned a valuable box of jewelry.""Still Mr. Goodnow didn't know that I would do it.""I see you are disposed to apologize for your late employer.""I do not forget that he treated me kindly till this last occurrence.""Your consideration does you credit. So you have really been reduced to earn your living as a newsboy?""Yes, madam.""I must think what I can do for you. I might give you money, but when that was gone you would be no better off.""I would much rather have help in getting a place."Mrs. Harvey leaned her head on her hand and looked thoughtful.

"You are right" she said. "Let me think."

Rodney waited, hoping that the lady would be able to think of something to his advantage.

Finally she spoke.

"I think you said you understood Latin and Greek?""I have studied both languages and French also. I should have been ready to enter college next summer.""Then perhaps I shall be able to do something for you. I live in Philadelphia, but I have a brother living in West Fifty Eighth Street. He has one little boy, Arthur, now nine years of age. Arthur is quite precocious, but his health is delicate, and my brother has thought of getting a private instructor for him.

Do you like young children?"

"Very much. I always wished that I had a little brother.""Then I think you would suit my brother better as a tutor for Arthur than a young man. Being a boy yourself, you would be not only tutor but companion.""I should like such a position very much.""Then wait here a moment, and I will write you a letter of introduction."She went up stairs, but soon returned.

She put a small perfumed billet into Rodney's hands. It was directed to John Sargent with an address on West Fifty Eighth Street.

"Call this evening," she said, "about half past seven o'clock.

My brother will be through dinner, and will not have gone out at that hour.""Thank you," said Rodney gratefully.

"Here is another envelope which you can open at your leisure.

I cannot part from you without thanking you once more for returning my jewelry.""You have thanked me in a very practical way, Mrs. Harvey.""I hope my letter may lead to pleasant results for you. If you ever come to Philadelphia call upon me at No. 1492 Walnut Street.""Thank you."As Rodney left the house he felt that his ill fortune had turned, and that a new prospect was opened up before him.

He stepped into the Windsor Hotel, and opened the envelope last given him. It contained five five dollar bills.

To one of them was pinned a scrap of paper containing these words: "I hope this money will be useful to you. It is less than the reward I should have offered for the recovery of the jewels."Under the circumstances Rodney felt that he need not scruple to use the money. He knew that he had rendered Mrs. Harvey a great service, and that she could well afford to pay him the sum which the envelopes contained.

He began to be sensible that he was hungry, not having eaten for some time. He went into a restaurant on Sixth Avenue, and ordered a sirloin steak. It was some time since he had indulged in anything beyond a common steak, and he greatly enjoyed the more luxurious meal. He didn't go back to selling papers, for he felt that it would hardly be consistent with the position of a classical teacher--the post for which he was about to apply.

Half past seven found him at the door of Mr. John Sargent.

The house was of brown stone, high stoop, and four stories in height. It was such a house as only a rich man could occupy.

He was ushered into the parlor and presently Mr. Sargent came in from the dining room.

"Are you Mr. Ropes?" he asked, looking at Rodney's card.

It is not usual for newsboys to carry cards, but Rodney had some left over from his more prosperous days.

  • 天行


  • 超神学院之王者之风


  • 谁抢走了我的遥控器


  • 沾尽诸天


  • 吃货的逆袭


  • 仙路断绝后


  • 香江话事人


  • 他属星河


  • 我被召唤成了神使


  • 婴儿早期智力开发

