

Rodney entered Mr. Goodnow's office without a suspicion of the serious accusation which had been made against him. The first hint that there was anything wrong came to him when he saw the stern look in the merchants eyes.

"Perhaps," said Mr. Goodnow, as he leaned back in his chair and fixed his gaze on the young clerk, "you may have an idea why Ihave sent for you.""No, sir," answered Rodney, looking puzzled.

"You can't think of any reason I may have for wishing to see you?""No, sir," and Rodney returned Mr. Goodnow's gaze with honest unfaltering eyes.

"Possibly you are not aware that within a few weeks some articles have been missed from our stock.""I have not heard of it. What kind of articles?""The boy is more artful than I thought!" soliloquized the merchant.

"All the articles missed," he proceeded, "have been from the room in charge of Mr. Redwood, the room in which you, among others, are employed."Something in Mr. Goodnow's tone gave Rodney the hint of the truth.

If he had been guilty he would have flushed and showed signs of confusion. As it was, he only wished to learn the truth and he in turn became the questioner.

"Is it supposed," he asked, "that any one in your employ is responsible for these thefts?""It is.""Is any one in particular suspected?"


"Will you tell me who, that is if you think I ought to know?""Certainly you ought to know, for it is you who are suspected."Then Rodney became indignant.

"I can only deny the charge in the most emphatic terms," he said.

"If any one has brought such a charge against me, it is a lie.""You can say that to Mr. Redwood, for it is he who accuses you.""What does this mean, Mr. Redwood?" demanded Rodney quickly.

"What have you seen in me that leads you to accuse me of theft.""To tell the truth, Ropes, you are about the last clerk in my room whom I would have suspected. But early this morning this letter was received," and he placed in Rodney's hands the letter given in a preceding chapter.

Rodney read it through and handed it back scornfully.

"I should like to see the person who wrote this letter,"he said. "It is a base lie from beginning to end.""I thought it might be when Mr. Goodnow showed it to me," said Redwood in an even tone, "but Mr. Goodnow and I agreed that it would be well to investigate. Therefore I went to your room.""When, sir?""This morning."

"Then it is all right, for I am sure you found nothing.""On the contrary, Ropes, I found that the statement made in the letter was true. On your bed was a bundle containing one of the cloaks taken from our stock."Rodney's face was the picture of amazement.

"Is this true?" he said.

"It certainly is. I hope you don't doubt my word.""Did you bring it back with you?""No; your worthy landlady was not quite sure whether I was what I represented, and I left the parcel there. However I opened it in her presence so that she can testify what I found.""This is very strange," said Rodney, looking at his accuser with puzzled eyes. "I know nothing whatever of the cloak and can't imagine how it got into my room.""Perhaps it walked there," said Mr. Goodnow satirically.

Rodney colored, for he understood that his employer did not believe him.

"May I go to my room," he asked, "and bring back the bundle with me?"Observing that Mr. Goodnow hesitated he added, "You can send Some one with me to see that I don't spirit away the parcel, and come back with it.""On these conditions you may go. Redwood, send some one with Ropes."Rodney followed the chief of his department back to the cloak room, and the latter, after a moments thought, summoned Jasper.

  • 繁星如许皆不如你


  • 销售口才的锤炼


  • 这是不是一本小说


  • 对抗神魔


  • 轮回的九世重新遇见你


  • 雪球专刊第138期:2016雪球年度文章精选


  • 终之幻想


  • 长生修真记


  • 人间鬼警


  • 快速燃烧脂肪:塑身减肥静悄悄

