

"THE bloody swath of Swedes and Geats and the storm of their strife, were seen afar, how folk against folk the fight had wakened.

The ancient king with his atheling band sought his citadel, sorrowing much:

Ongentheow earl went up to his burg.

He had tested Hygelac's hardihood, the proud one's prowess, would prove it no longer, defied no more those fighting-wanderers nor hoped from the seamen to save his hoard, his bairn and his bride: so he bent him again, old, to his earth-walls. Yet after him came with slaughter for Swedes the standards of Hygelac o'er peaceful plains in pride advancing, till Hrethelings fought in the fenced town.[1]

Then Ongentheow with edge of sword, the hoary-bearded, was held at bay, and the folk-king there was forced to suffer Eofor's anger. In ire, at the king Wulf Wonreding with weapon struck;and the chieftain's blood, for that blow, in streams flowed 'neath his hair. No fear felt he, stout old Scylfing, but straightway repaid in better bargain that bitter stroke and faced his foe with fell intent.

Nor swift enough was the son of Wonred answer to render the aged chief;too soon on his head the helm was cloven;

blood-bedecked he bowed to earth, and fell adown; not doomed was he yet, and well he waxed, though the wound was sore.

Then the hardy Hygelac-thane,[2]

when his brother fell, with broad brand smote, giants' sword crashing through giants'-helm across the shield-wall: sank the king, his folk's old herdsman, fatally hurt.

There were many to bind the brother's wounds and lift him, fast as fate allowed his people to wield the place-of-war.

But Eofor took from Ongentheow, earl from other, the iron-breastplate, hard sword hilted, and helmet too, and the hoar-chief's harness to Hygelac carried, who took the trappings, and truly promised rich fee 'mid folk, -- and fulfilled it so.

For that grim strife gave the Geatish lord, Hrethel's offspring, when home he came, to Eofor and Wulf a wealth of treasure, Each of them had a hundred thousand[3]

in land and linked rings; nor at less price reckoned mid-earth men such mighty deeds!

And to Eofor he gave his only daughter in pledge of grace, the pride of his home.

"Such is the feud, the foeman's rage, death-hate of men: so I deem it sure that the Swedish folk will seek us home for this fall of their friends, the fighting-Scylfings, when once they learn that our warrior leader lifeless lies, who land and hoard ever defended from all his foes, furthered his folk's weal, finished his course a hardy hero. -- Now haste is best, that we go to gaze on our Geatish lord, and bear the bountiful breaker-of-rings to the funeral pyre. No fragments merely shall burn with the warrior. Wealth of jewels, gold untold and gained in terror, treasure at last with his life obtained, all of that booty the brands shall take, fire shall eat it. No earl must carry memorial jewel. No maiden fair shall wreathe her neck with noble ring:

nay, sad in spirit and shorn of her gold, oft shall she pass o'er paths of exile now our lord all laughter has laid aside, all mirth and revel. Many a spear morning-cold shall be clasped amain, lifted aloft; nor shall lilt of harp those warriors wake; but the wan-hued raven, fain o'er the fallen, his feast shall praise and boast to the eagle how bravely he ate when he and the wolf were wasting the slain."So he told his sorrowful tidings, and little[4] he lied, the loyal man of word or of work. The warriors rose;sad, they climbed to the Cliff-of-Eagles, went, welling with tears, the wonder to view.

Found on the sand there, stretched at rest, their lifeless lord, who had lavished rings of old upon them. Ending-day had dawned on the doughty-one; death had seized in woful slaughter the Weders' king.

There saw they, besides, the strangest being, loathsome, lying their leader near, prone on the field. The fiery dragon, fearful fiend, with flame was scorched.

Reckoned by feet, it was fifty measures in length as it lay. Aloft erewhile it had revelled by night, and anon come back, seeking its den; now in death's sure clutch it had come to the end of its earth-hall joys.

By it there stood the stoups and jars;

dishes lay there, and dear-decked swords eaten with rust, as, on earth's lap resting, a thousand winters they waited there.

For all that heritage huge, that gold of bygone men, was bound by a spell,[5]

so the treasure-hall could be touched by none of human kind, -- save that Heaven's King, God himself, might give whom he would, Helper of Heroes, the hoard to open, --even such a man as seemed to him meet.

[1] The line may mean: till Hrethelings stormed on the hedged shields, -- i.e. the shield-wall or hedge of defensive war --Hrethelings, of course, are Geats. [2] Eofor, brother to Wulf Wonreding. [3] Sc. "value in" hides and the weight of the gold.

[4] Not at all. [5] Laid on it when it was put in the barrow.

This spell, or in our days the "curse," either prevented discovery or brought dire ills on the finder and taker.

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    穿书后她变成了炮灰女,开篇就要被杀。 在系统的带领下她一步步成长,过五关斩六将,攻略男三。 集美丽与智慧于一身,算了,做人不能太倒贴,系统不让你主动追人家你就不要太露骨了。 act1:顾珏站在她身后,看着少女行动猥琐的前行,“噗”地一声笑了出来。柳卿卿回头:“你笑什么?”顾珏眼底的笑意收的及时,一脸淡然的看着柳卿卿:“你听错了。”柳卿卿被藏住的脸颊微微一红,转头,爬窗户。听错了?难道我刚刚不小心放了个屁? act2: 他对柳卿卿浅浅道:“桃花烂漫,玫瑰明媚,茉莉天真,栀子清丽,却都不及你。” 柳卿卿双耳被捂住,加之他的声音又小,忍不住问了一句:“你说什么?” 又一片烟花张开绚烂夺目的光芒,照亮他清寒的面容,她恍惚间见到一抹浅笑,和缓如林下风,韶朗如天上月。
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