
第31章 Unit Nine Friends and Friendship (1)


1) Her black hai r the whiteness of her skin.

A.emphasized B.accented

C.concent rated D.accentuated

2) We bought an ext ra supply of coal in of a cold winter.

A.hope B.anticipation

C.pros pect D.wish

3) He s poiled my of the film by talking all the time.

A.pleasure B.wa tching

C.enjoyment D.inte rest

4) The scientists have their sear ch for the new gene by working ha rde r.

A.incr eased B.intensified

C.r aised D.specified

5) He’s honest ,and you him if you think he is not.

A.mis s B.neglect

C.over look D.misjudge

6) Gas is one of the modern the newly built apar t - ment building provides.

A.services B.equipments

C.conveniences D.provision

7) This famous painting was thought to be by Van Gogh ,but it is in fact a one.

A.merged B.forged

C.created D.pi rated

8) The doors we re locked and the windows shut;we couldn’t get into the building.

A.anyhow B.somehow

C.anyway D.anyhow

9) The two brothe rs ar e like each othe r in appea rance ,but widely in their tastes.

A.differ B.distinguish

C.diffe rent D.diffe rentia

10) They the boredom of waiting by singing songs.

A.alleviated B.alleged

C.st rengthened D.consolida ted

11) They the young girl ,providing her with food and shelter.

A.kind hear ted B.t reated

C.befr iended D.friended

12) The smoke from cooking the pr esence of the enemy .

A.t ricked B.misled

C.bet rayed D.deceived

13) We tried to him from climbing the mountain without a guide.

A.disapprove B.discour age

C.induce D.delayed

14) The ext racted case was so old it just when a worker picked it up.

A.sepa rated B.fell

C.exploded D.disintegr ated

15 ) The front army t roops wer e by a large contingent of students from the milita ry academy.

A.str es sed B.st rengthened

C.solidified D.st retched


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C

9.A 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B

Part One In Class Reading

On Friendship


accentuate [ .. k..sentjueit.- t..ueit ] v.重读,强调,使更明显

[ 例句] The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.

ant icipation* [ .. n..tisi..pe....n] n.预期,预料,期待,希望

[ 考点] (in) anticipation (of) 预料,预测,预期之事物,事前行为

[ 例句] A tennis player shows good anticipation by moving

quickly into position.

chess4 [ t..es ] n.(国际) 象棋

compartmentalize* [..k..mp....t..ment..laiz ] vt.划分,分隔,分类(亦作:compar tmentalise)

[ 考点] compar tmentalize sth.(into sth .) 将事物分类,划分

[ 例句] Life today is compa r tmentalized into work and leisur e.

complementary [..k..mpl....ment..ri ] ad j.补充的,补足的,互补的

[ 考点] complementary colors 互补色

complementary angles 余角

[ 例句] His personality is complementary to his wife.

confidant [..k..nfi..d .. nt ,..k..nfid .. nt ] n.心腹朋友,知己

disagreement* [..dis......ri..m..nt ] n.分歧,意见不同,不调和,争执,不和,争论

[ 考点] disagreement of opinion 意见不合

to be in disagreement with sb.or sth.与某人意见不合或与某事物不调和

disagreements between husbands and wives 夫妻间的小争执

disagreement about / on sth.意见不统一

[ 例句] We have been having a few disagreements in the committee la tely.

enjoyment* [ in..d....im..nt ] n.乐趣,乐事

[ 例句] I get a lot of enjoyment from my job.

exact ing [ i....z .. kti..] adj.苛求的,严格的,吃力的,需付出极大耐心的

[ 考点] an exacting piece of work 费力的工作

an exacting teacher 严厉的老师

[ 例句] Flying an airplane is an exacting work.

intellect6 [..intilekt ] n.智力,才智,理解力;(集合单数或复数) 知识分子,智者

[ 反义] ignorance

[ 考点] the intellect (s ) of the age 当代知识分子

[ 辨析] intellect;wisdom

intellect 指思考问题、理解问题、表达复杂思想的能力,如She was a great schola r who pos sessed a formidable intellect.wisdom 指基于生活基础上的知识及良好的判断力,如Paul learned to value his father’s wisdom and advice.intensify6 [ in..tensifai ] vt.加强vi.强化

[ 例句] Blowing on a fire intensifyies the heat.

irreconcilable [ i..r ek..nsail..bl] adj.不能协调的,矛盾的

[ 考点] irreconcilable with sb ./ sth.与某人/ 某事物不协调

irreconcilable enemies 不能和解的敌人

irreconcilable statements 互相矛盾的声明

[ 例句] We can never agree our views ar e irr econcilable.

kinship [..kin..ip] n.血缘关系,亲属关系,相似

midst6 [midst ] n.中间


[ 考点] in/ into / from/ out of the midst (of) 在/ 到/ 从/ 来自于.中间

[ 例句] 1) Midst a pleasant dr eam,I was aroused by the thunde r.

2) They depar ted in the midst of a heavy rain.

misjudge* [..mis..d....d..] v.错误判断

[ 例句] If you think him capable of s uch an action ,you misjudge him.

misjudgment* [ mis..d....d..m..nt ] n.判断错误,判断不公,估


[ 例句] His prejudices have led him into a serious misjudgment of his opponents.

mutual4 [..mju..tju..l ] ad j.①相互的,彼此的② 共有的,共同的

[ 同义] common ,joint

[ 考点] mutual effor ts 共同的努力

to give mutual s uppor t and ins piration 相互支持并鼓励

mutual suspicion 相互猜疑

[ 例句] She said she disliked me ,and I replied that the

feeling was mutual.

[ 辨析] mutual;common

mutual 指互相,如Bud and Mary felt a mutual

dislike.common 指共同具有,如The estate is the

common proper ty of the five brothe rs.

mutuality [..mju..t..u.... liti] n.相互关系,相关

niche [ nit..,ni....] n.壁龛,适当的位置,称心的职务

[ 考点] have a niche in the temple of fame 流芳百世

[ 例句] He found the right niche for himself.

particularize* [ p....tikjul..raiz ] v.详细说明,列举,大书特书

philosophy4 [ fi..l..s..fi] n.① 哲学,哲学体系②哲理,见解,达观,冷静

[ 例句] Enjoy yourself today and don’t worry about tomor- row-that’s my philosophy!

temperament6 [..temp..r..m..nt ] n.气质,性情,易激动,急躁

[ 例句] The two brothers have entirely different tempera - ment.

[ 辨析] temper ament;dis position

temper ament 指决定一个人之本性、身体、情感

和精神各方面的特质,如He has an ar tistic temperament . disposition 指决定一个人的思想或行动

方式的能够控制的心性或情绪,如He has a qua rrelsome disposition.

tiresome* [..tai..s..m] a dj.无聊的,烦人的

[ 考点] 不应该说We felt ti resome at his long speech.而应该说We found his long s peech very tir esome.

[ 例句] He is good hea r ted ,but I find him tir esome.

viewpoint4 [..vju..p..int ] n.观点

[ 例句] A heavy rain that is good from the viewpoint of farmers may be bad from viewpoint of tourists.

come into being 产生,形成

[ 例句] New ways of thinking have come into being.

draw out 使.充分发挥

[ 例句] The new mis sion drew out his talents.

draw upon 利用,凭,靠

[ 例句] I s hall have to draw upon the money I have saved to pay for the holiday.

the breath of life 生活中不可缺少的东西

[ 例句] Religion is the br eath of life for her.

fall into step 步调一致

[ 例句] The leaders of any political par ty want all the members to fall into step.

in the midst of 在.当中

[ 例句] Ther e is a thief in the midst of the crowd.

leave off 停止

[ 例句] Let’s begin the music at the place where we left off last time.

strike up 开始(谈话、演奏.)

[ 例句] The musicians st ruck up the wedding mar ch.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Friends,Good Friends-and

Such Good Friends


accent4 [.... ks..nt ] n.口音,腔调,重音,重音符号vt.重读,加重音符号,强调

[ 例句] 1 ) He speaks with a st rong southern accent.

2 ) In the word“today”the accent is on the second syllable.

ardor [......d..] n.热诚,情欲,激情,热情,炽热

[ 考点] a rdor (for sb ./ sth .) 对.的热情、热心an ardor for study 对研究的热心pat riotic a rdor 爱国热情

[ 例句] The students we re much impres sed by their teacher ’s a rdor in teaching.

artichoke [......tit....uk] n.(一种植物) 朝鲜蓟,洋蓟(= globe ar tichoke ) ,菊芋(= Jerusalem ar tichoke) convenience4 [ k..n..vi..ni..ns] n.① 便利,方便② 有益,有用的、方便的用具、机械、安排等

[ 反义] inconvenience

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