THE first care of Job and myself, after seeing to Leo, was to wash ourselves and put on clean clothing, for what we were wearing had not been changed since the loss of the dhow.Fortunately, as I think that I have said, by far the greater part of our personal baggage had been packed into the whaleboat, and was therefore savedand brought hither by the bearersalthough all the stores laid in by us for barter and presents to the natives were lost.Nearly all our clothing was made of a well-shrunk and very strong gray flannel, and excellent I found it for travelling in these places, because though a Norfolk jacket, shirt, and pair of trousers of it only weighed about four pounds, a great consideration in a tropical country, where every extra ounce tells on the wearer, it was warm, and offered a good resistance to the rays of the sun, and, best of all, to chills, which are so apt to result from sudden changes of temperature.
Never shall I forget the comfort of the "wash and brush-up," and of those clean flannels.The only thing that was wanting to complete my joy was a cake of soap, of which we had none.
Afterwards I discovered that the Amahagger, who do not reckon dirt among their many disagreeable qualities, use a kind of burned earth for washing purposes, which, though unpleasant to the touch till one gets accustomed to it, forms a very fair substitute for soap.
By the time that I was dressed, and had combed and trimmed my black beard, the previous condition of which was certainly sufficiently unkempt to give weight to Billali's appellation for me, the "Baboon,"I began to feel most uncommonly hungry.Therefore Iwas by no means sorry when, without the slightest preparatory sound or warning, the curtain over the entrance to my cave was flung aside, and another mute, a young girl this time, announced to me by signs that I could not misunderstandthat is, by opening her mouth and pointing down itthat there was something ready to eat.Accordingly I followed her into the next chamber, which we had not yet entered, where I found Job, who had also, to his great embarrassment, been conducted thither by a fair mute.Job had never got over the advances the former lady had made towards him, and suspected every girl who came near to him of similar designs.
"These young parties have a way of looking at one, sir," he would say, apologetically, "which I don't call respectable."This chamber was twice the size of the sleeping-caves, and I saw at once that it had originally served as a refectory, and also probably as an embalming-room for the Priests of the Dead; for I may as well say at once that these hollowed-out caves were nothing more nor less than vast catacombs, in which for tens of ages the mortal remains of the great extinct race whose monuments surrounded us had been first preserved, with an art and a completeness that has never since been equalled, and then hidden away for all time.On each side of this particular rock-chamber was a long and solid stone table, about three feet wide by three feet six in height, hewn out of the living rock, of which it had formed part, and was still attached to at the base.These tables were slightly hollowed out or curved inward, to give room for the knees of any one sitting on the stone ledge that had been cut for a bench along the side of the cave at a distance of about two feet from them.Each of them, also, was so arranged that it ended right under a shaft pierced in the rock for the admission of light and air.On examining them carefully, however, I saw that there was a difference between them that had at first escaped my attention; viz., that one of the tables, that to the left as we entered the cave, had evidently been used, not to eat upon, but for the purposes of embalming.That this was beyond all question the case was clear from five shallow depressions in the stone of the table, all shaped like a human form, with a separate place for the head to lie in, and a little bridge to support the neck, each depression being of a different size, so as to fit bodies varying in stature from a full-grown man's to a small child's, and with little holes bored at intervals to carry off fluid.
And, indeed, if any further confirmation were required, we had but to look at the wall of the cave above to find it.For there, sculptured all round the apartment, and looking nearly as fresh as the day it was done, was the pictorial representation of the death, embalming, and burial of an old man with a long beard, probably an ancient king or grandee of this country.
The first picture represented his death.He was lying upon a couch which had four short curved posts at the corners coming to a knob at the end, in appearance something like a written note of music, and was evidently in the very act of expiring.Gathered round the couch were women and children weeping, the former with their hair hanging down their backs.The next scene represented the embalmment of the body, which lay nude upon a table with depressions in it, similar to the one before us; probably, indeed, it was a picture of the same table.Three men were employed at the workone superintending, one holding a funnel shaped exactly like a port-wine strainer, of which the narrow end was fixed in an incision in the breast, no doubt in the great pectoral artery; while the third, who was depicted as standing straddle legged over the corpse, held a kind of large jug high in his hand, and poured from it some steaming fluid which fell accurately into the funnel.The most curious part of this sculpture is that both the man with the funnel and the man who poured the fluid are drawn holding their noses, either I suppose because of the stench arising from the body, or more probably to keep out the aromatic fumes of the hot fluid which was being forced into the dead man's veins.Another curious thing which I am unable to explain is that all three men were represented as having a band of linen tied round the face with holes in it for the eyes.