
第7章 安排行程及会议


Good morning, Manager Lee, Susan told me that you want to see me.早上好,李经理,苏珊告诉我您有事找我?

Juliet, I need to arrange you a business trip to Shanghai next week.朱丽叶,下周我会安排你出差去上海。

Mary, I'm planning a trip to Chicago and Denver, I'd like you to make the necessary arrangements for me.玛丽, 我要到芝加哥和丹佛出差,请给我做个必要的行程安排。

Certainly, sir. How would you like to go? 好的,先生。您打算怎么走?

Will you fly first class as usual? And where shall I make hotel reservation?您还是订头等舱的票吗?我给您在哪儿预订酒店?

Yes, first class. I prefer the Yangzijiang Hotel, Get all the information together, and please report back to me as soon as possible.是的,头等舱,我想住扬子江酒店,请把所有的资料都准备好,然后尽快交给我。

Juliet, I hear that you'll go to Shanghai next week; can you buy a Swatch for me?朱丽叶听说下周你要去上海出差, 帮我带一块Swatch手表可以吗?

Of course, which one do you like?没问题啊,你想要哪一款?

When do you plan to leave?您打算什么时候走?

This Saturday morning.这个周六上午就得出发。

Hello, this is operator 365 on the phone, what can I do for you?您好,365号接线员为您服务,有什么能为您效劳的?

I want to book an airline from Beijing to Chongqing tomorrow evening.我想订一张明天晚上由北京飞往重庆的机票。

What's going on,Susan?苏珊,你没事吧?

Well, seven appointments in London of the week, and four in Paris, It's certainly a tight schedule.还好只是下周在伦敦有七个会议,还要参加巴黎的四个,感觉时间很紧。

Well, let's move to the question of how to get there. Everybody has a good idea!现在咱们进行下一个议题,怎么到达目的地,大家都发表看法!

In my opinion, we'd better take a train for saving money.出于省钱的目的,我们还是乘火车吧。

Is there anything I can do?有什么需要帮助的吗?

Yes, I need a flight to London on Sunday morning, and a hotel for three nights.我想要订一张周日上午飞往伦敦的机票,还要在那边订一家住三天的酒店。

Talk to the journey, you are not sure how long it well take to get there?说到此次旅途,你知道要花多长时间到那吗?

Maybe 5 hours.应该5个小时左右吧。

How is it going with the travel arrangement, Miss Chen?陈小姐,出差的行程安排得怎么样了?

I've managed to book a flight at the time you want.我已经按您的要求订好了飞机票了。

Hello Miss, is there any room available?小姐你好,贵酒店还有剩余客房吗?

I'm sorry all the rooms are full; we have so many guests today.很抱歉,所有的房间都满了,今天客人很多。

Son, how about having a dinner with us tonight?儿子,今天在家和我们吃顿晚饭吧?

Sorry mom, I can't miss the 7 o'clock p.m., I am going to Beijing on business.对不起妈妈,我不能错过晚上7点的飞机,我要去北京出差。

Who will you go with to Shanghai, Tom?这次你和谁去上海?

I'm sure it's with the boss again this time.肯定又和老板一起了。

You know what? This is my first time to go out, what are the important things I have to know?知道吗,这是我第一次出差, 我得注意哪些重要的事项?

The first thing you'll do is to look for a comfortable hotel.首先你要做的就是给自己找一家舒适的旅馆。

How do you like business trip?你喜欢出差吗?

I like to take an occasional business trip for a change.我喜欢偶尔出差一次,有点改变。

Do you know the arrangements?你知道日程安排吗?

They scheduled the negotiations for the 10 tomorrow morning.他们把谈判安排在明早10点了。

Is everything ready?所有的都差不多了吧?

No, there are still several things that haven't been decided yet for the trip.没呢,关于出差的事情仍有些还没决定。

What make you so happy?看你这么高兴,有什么好事?

I will visit several important customers on this trip.这次我要去拜访几个大客户。

What' up, John?约翰,找我有什么事吗?

I've come to give you the detail report of this business trip, Manager.经理,我过来把这次出差的详细报告交给您。


How's it going with the travel arrangement, Miss Susan?外出的安排情况怎么样了,苏珊小姐?

I've managed to book flight at the times you wanted.我已按你要求的时间定好了班机。

I've found you a hotel in Paris for three nights.我找到了你在巴黎住三夜的旅馆。


It's certainly a tight schedule.日程的确安排得很紧。

Now it's a question of getting there.下面是旅行的问题。

I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for three nights.我要在星期天的晚上飞往巴黎,在巴黎的旅馆住晚。

You're not sure how long it will take to get there?你并不能确定到达那儿要多长时间,对吗?

All the hotels are fully booked.所有的旅馆都已订满了。

Finding a room is the problem.问题是找不到房间。/找房间是个问题。

I've just thought of something.我刚想到一个办法。

It might be worth giving her a ring and asking if she has any ideas.给她打个电话问问看,说不定能解决问题。

I'll give it a try.我试试看。

A:Could you tell me the arrangement for my business trip to Shanghai,Miss Liu?

B:All right.Next Monday,you'll leave for Shanghai by plane at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.Mr. Wang would meet you at the airport and drive you to Shanghai Hotel.

A:How about Tuesday?

B:On Tuesday morning,you'll have an interview with Mr.Chen,who is the general manager of Shanghai Computer Company at the hotel.And in the afternoon,you would attend a sales conference at the head office of their company.

A:I shall go to visit Shanghai Computer Company on Wednesday,shall I?








A:Mr.Wang,I'm calling to tell you that your trip to Shanghai is prepared.

B:Great,please go ahead.

A:I've sent a fax to Shanghai,telling them that you would arrive at 10 a.m.,the day after tomorrow.

B:Fine.Have you booked the flight to Shanghai?

A:Yes.And I've got your plane ticket.

B:Thank you,how about the hotel?

A:I've reserved a single room is Shanghai Hotel there.It's said to be the best there.

B:Good,and how about the car reservation?

A:The hotel has reserved it for you.

B:Oh,have you reserved at banquet there?

A:Not yet.I'm still looking for an ideal place.

B:Have you found all the necessary documents?

A:Yes,I've prepared all of them.

B:Excellent.But have you cancelled the conference with Mr.Liu?

A:I've left a message to his secretary.
















A:Please tell me my business trip to Guangzhou,Miss Li.

B:Yes.Next Monday,you'll leave for Guangzhou by plane at eleven o'clock in the morning.Mr.Wang will meet you at the airport and drive you to Guangzhou Hotel.

A:What's the arrangement for Tuesday?

B:On Tuesday morning,you'll have an interview with Mr.White at the hotel.And in the afternoon,you would attend a conference at the head office.

A:I would go to visit Guangzhou Milk Products Factory on Wednesday,would I?

B:Yes,you're right,Mr.Manager.







A:Mr.Wang,I've drafted a schedule for your business trip next week.Could you have a look?

B:Well,fine!Let's discuss it together.

A:You're leaving on Tuesday morning.

B:What time exactly?

A:Your flight takes off at 8∶00 a.m.And you arrive in Nanjing at 10∶40.Mr.Lin will meet you at the airport.Wednesday,you're attending the meeting in the morning and in the afternoon you're going to the exhibition.

B:Well,am I seeing Mr.Li?

A:You will meet Mr.Li on Thursday.You're inspecting the factory in the morning and having dinner with him in the evening.

B:I've got a schedule!

A:Oh,that's not everything.You're free on Friday and then on Saturday you're catching the 9 o'clock plane back to Beijing.










prepare v.准备

necessary adj.必需的

cancel v.取消

reserve v.预订

trade fair交易会

confirmation n.证实

express n.快车

document n.公文,文件

go ahead继续,向前

accommodation n.食宿供应

depart v.出发, 动身

charge n.费用


round trip来回旅行

current adj.当前的,现行的

period n.期间

provide v.提供

inclusive adj.包含的

arrangement n.日程,安排

All purpose Dissolvent

A young man saw Edison, said : “I wanna(=want to ) develop a sort of all purpose dissolvent, by which can dissolve(溶解) all materials.” Edison asked a question in reply : “ In that case, what container shall you hold it with?”




Is the room ready for the meeting?会场布置好了吗?


Hello, Mr. Lee, I'd like to discuss your proposal with you as soon as possible. Would Tuesday be convenient for you?你好,李先生我想尽快和你讨论关于你们的建议,你看周二方便吗?

Let me see. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not free tomorrow. How about Thursday morning? Say, 10 o'clock?我想想,对不起,周二我没空,星期四上午10点怎么样?

Is the room ready for the meeting, Miss Zhou?周小姐,会议室安排好了吗?

Yes,Sir. Everything is ready.所有的都准备就绪了。

How about the microphone and speakers?话筒和扩音器都准备好了吗?

Well, I'll recheck them soon.我马上重新检查。

Miss Zhou, I've come to tell you that you'll have to take the minutes this afternoon.我来告诉你,今天下午的会议,你得做记录。

OK. Should I write down every word that everyone says?好的。我要不要把每个人的每句话都记下来?

You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.你只要把讨论的题目和结果记下来就行了。

Yes, I will.知道了。

Mr. Black, I come to remind you of a meeting scheduled from ten o'clock this morning.我来提醒你今天上午10点你有一个会议。

Thank you so much, it was totally out of my mind.谢谢,我早都忘了。

Kate, do you know where the meeting will be hold?凯特,你知道这个会议在哪里召开吗?

I guess in the general manager's office this time.今天应该是在总经理办公室。

Should I write down every word that everyone says? 我要不要把每一个人的每句话都记下来?

You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.你只要把讨论的题目和结果记下就行了。

Should I type out the minutes from the notes?我还要根据笔记将会议记录打印出来吗?

Yes, of course.是的,当然。

What does the general manager tell you to do? 总经理跟你说了什么?

He asked me to report on the company's sales for last year on the meeting.他让我在会上把去年的销售情况做个报告。

Well, Jane, this is only a welcome meeting, you shouldn't be that tensely. 简,这仅仅是个欢迎晚会,不用那么紧张的。

I know that, I just never saw so many people before.我知道啊,我只是从没见过这么多人。

Is there anything not ready?还缺什么?

I need another round table and some chairs.我还需要一张圆桌和几张凳子。

Hey guys, I've been chosen to be the speaker, who can writer a speech paper for me?朋友们,我被选为发言人了,大家谁好心帮我准备一份演讲稿啊?

No way, you should finish it on your own.不行,这个得你自己完成.

Well, who knows the agendas of the meeting?大家谁知道本次会议的议程有哪些啊?

A meeting? What meeting? No one told me before.会议?什么会议?怎么没人告诉过我.

Can you inform all the colleagues that we have a meeting 9 o'clock this Friday?请通知所有员工本周五早上9点开会。

Fine, I'll send everybody an e mail, tell the time and place.好的我会在邮件里告诉他们时间和地点。


Is the room ready for the meeting?会场布置好了吗?

I've put the Minute Book and some spare copies of the agenda on the table.我已经把记录本和一些备用的议程表放在会议桌上了。

Paper and pencils have been laid by their name cards on the conference table for each attendant.供与会者使用的纸张和铅笔都按各自的位置放在桌上了。

How about the microphone and speakers?话筒和扩音器都准备就绪了吗?


I've come to tell you that you'll have to take the minutes this afternoon.我来告诉你,今天下午的会议,你得做会议记录。

Should I write down every word that everyone says?我要不要把每一个人的每句话都记下来?

You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.你只要把讨论的题目和结果记下就行了。

Should I type out the minutes from the notes?我还要根据笔记将会议记录打印出来吗?


I come to remind you of a meeting scheduled from 10 o'clock this morning.我是来提醒你,今天上午10点钟你有一个会议。

The general manager asked me to report on the company's sales for last year at the meeting.总经理还要我在会上对公司去年的销售情况作个报告。

The meeting will be held in your office, not in the conference room.会议将在你的办公室里召开,而不是在会议室。

That's what I should do.这是我应该做的。

A:Anne,could you please send a memorandum to all department

managers informing them the monthly meeting would be held on July 10th in Conference Room A?

B:All right.Do I need to enclose the agenda?

A:Of course.The items in the agenda should include the chairman's report,approval of last meeting's minutes,department reports,new business and adjournment.

B:OK,sir.Is it necessary to put the item of “next meeting” also?

A:Yes,it's a good idea.Could you have it ready before lunch?

B:No problem.I'll have it typed up right away.







A:Mr.Johnson.I come to remind you that a meeting is scheduled from 9 o'clock this morning.

B:Oh.And the general manager asked me to report the company's sales for last year at the meeting.

A:By the way,the meeting would be held in the conference room.

B:I see.Thank you very much.

A:It's my pleasure.






A:Is the room ready for the conference,Miss Chen?


A:How about the microphone and speakers?

B:I also have got them ready for the meeting.

A:Have you prepared some paper and pencils for the participants?

B:Yes.They have been laid by their name cards on the meeting table for each attendant.







A:Hi,Mary,you have been a secretary for several years in this company.Can you tell me what a secretary should do for meeting or a conference?

B:Well,one of the most important duties of a secretary,I think,is to do well the preparation work for the meeting.

A:Then how does a secretary prepare for a meeting?Could you tell me a bit more about it?

B:First of all,the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed.

A:How about the documents of the information?

B:All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available,preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.

A:What should a secretary do during the meeting?

B:Of course she should take minutes.

A:And after the meeting?

B:After the meeting she should type the minutes up,and keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement many of the decisions reached at the meeting.

A:Thank you very much.You help me a lot.

B:You are welcome.













A:Miss Smith,the monthly executive committee meeting is scheduled for next week.Were the participants notified?

B:Yes,sir.I consulted the by laws a few weeks ago,and I have given the committee members informal notice of the meeting,either by telephone or by memo.

A:Have you consulted with the committee chairman?In addition,do you know that a current meeting file is kept?A folder is made for each meeting.All the papers to be discussed should be put into this folder.There are also copies of the notices of the meeting,a list of members of the group,drafts of resolutions,if any,and the minutes of the last meeting.

B:Of course,sir.All this is done,and the agenda is prepared,too.





follow up会议记录

report n.汇报,报告

conference n.会议

attendance n.出席

letter of attorney委任书

trans n.笔记

postpone v.暂缓,延搁

remind v.提醒

agenda n.议程

enclosures n.附件

controversial n.争议性的讨论

microphone n.扩音器

proposal n.提议

memorandum n.备忘录

speaker n.话筒

colleague n.同事,同僚

approval n.赞成,同意

adjournment n.延期

executive n.经理,业务主管

participant n.参与者,参加者

name card名片

implement v.贯彻,实施

Buying A Hat

A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: “An excellent choice, madam. You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!” To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: “I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats!”




We don't want any big problems.我们不希望有任何大差错。

I've got you.I know such an important account could easily be lost through an embarrassing mistake.我懂您的意思,我知道,可能就因为一个不当的错误我们会失去这么一位大客户。

Well,then,now I'd like to set the meeting schedule once and for all.唔,我想现在干脆就把会议时间表定下来。

OK.First we've got a little time for general introductions,then introductions of each presenter to Mr. White.After the introduction,David Smith will open with a ten to fifteen minute demo.好,首先做简短的总介绍,之后把每位报告者介绍给怀特先生。介绍之后,大卫史密斯首先做10至15分钟的简报。

No,I want you to get it ready in half an hour.I have to attend a meeting an hour later.不行,我要你半个小时之内准备好。我一个小时之后还有个会。

Um...all right.I'll do my best.嗯,好吧。我尽力。

I think we should get the show started with the second issue,how to define our new strategy.我想可以从第二个问题开始讨论--如何定义我们的新战略。

Good idea.好主意。

We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.我们想要使用正确的行销媒体来达到市场目标。

Certainly.We've done some tactical planning already.We think we've come up with a good plan.当然。我们已经完成一些战备计划。我们认为我们已经提出一项不错的计划。


When will it begin?会议时候开始?

What time will it be?会议定在几点?

Is there a way we can limit the time?有没有办法限制一下时间?

Now I'd like to set the meeting schedule once and for all.我想现在干脆就把会议时间表定下来。

We can set a five minute report time.我们可以设定报告时间为5分钟。

Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening?你认为我们开幕式需要20分钟吗?


Is everything going well for tomorrow's meeting?明天的会议一切都没问题吗?

Are the audio visual aids ready?所有的视听器材都准备好了吗?

Let me see the draft for our meeting.让我看看你起草的会议议程。

There will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting.将会有很多高管出席会议。

I've made sure of the meeting schedule with each presenter,personally.我当面与每位上台做简报者确定会议的议程。

A:OK,everyone.I have some good news and some even better news.

B:All right!Tell us the good news first.

A:Famous Fired Chicken has decided to sign a contract with us for all its advertising.

C:That's great!Famous Fired Chicken is one of the biggest chains in the country.

A:And now it's one of our biggest clients.We have to do a good job.

C:Of course.You can count on us.

B:Right!And there's even better news?

A:The better news is that we have to present out ad campaign to the president of Famous Fired Chicken-in two days!

C:But that means we only have forty eight hours to come up with a great ad campaign.

A:Yeah!That's better news!

B:Yep!I believe that people work best under pressure is certainly on us now.

C:What would you like us to do?

A:Do some research on your own and think up some ideas for the ad campaign.We'll have a brainstorming session tomorrow at seven a.m.-sharp!Dazzle me,people!

C:Dazzle her at seven a.m.?I'll be happy to make it to the meeting on time!















A:I'm glad to see everyone is here--and on time.Let's get started!Julia,toss out some of your ideas.

B:Well,I'm not sure...

A:Come on Julia,we're brainstorming.No ideas are bad.

B:OK,I did do some research and found out that the chicken at Famous Fired Chicken has fewer calories than its competitors'.And it's cheaper,too.

A:So Famous Fired Chicken's chicken is healthier,and it's a good value.Let me write these ideas on the whiteboard...

C:Fried chicken is healthy?That's like saying rice cakes are delicious!


A:What about this idea?It's kind of crazy,but all ideas are good,right?

C:Right.What's your idea,William?

A:Well,some people shy away from eating fried chicken because it's high in calories.They think eating it is a health risk.

C:That's true.Go on.

A:(Excited)So we can appeal to risk takers!People who like living on the edge will love eating Famous Fried Chicken!“Don't be chicken!Take a bite of Famous Fired Chicken!”

C:Um...interesting.Addressing health concerns is important,but that's a bit off course.

B:(whispering) We're trying to get people excited about eating fried chicken,not to make it seem risky.















A:OK,there have been a lot of great ideas,but we need to narrow down the options.

B:Well,option one has to be the happy chicken animations using the award winning illustrator-Yoshiko Ono.

C:But the cost of that ad campaign would be too high.

B:Well,what do you suggest,Julia?

C:I say we concentrate on the health benefits of eating Famous Fried Chicken.Healty eating is popular these days.

B:Or maybe it's just a fad that will blow over.

C:Do you have any data to back that up?According to an article in Advertising and Dempographics magazine,healthy fast food is a growing trend.

B:Hold on.I just had a great idea.

A:What is it?

B:How about an ad campaign that use this slogan,“Famous Fried Chicken-Healthy Chicken for Healthy People.”

C:Hmm...“We make sure chicken we serve is safe and healthy,because we care about your health.”

B:By focusing on the most recent customer tendencies,we can help Famous Fried Chicken stay one step ahead of its competition.

A:Sound like a good approach.

C:That's why she's the boss!


B:嗯,第一选择应该是用得奖插面良子小野(Yoshiko Ono)的快乐鸡动画。













attention n.注意

conference n.会议

board of directors董事会

sketch n.草图,梗概

deadline n.最终期限

sales office营业部,销售部

closed adj.闭会

declare v.宣布

achievement n.成果,成就

fact n.事实,真相

responsibility n.责任,职责

application n.应用程序,应用软件

head of department部门经理

fantastic adj.极好的,奇异的

gratify v.使满足

No Hoes

A thirteen year old boy was sitting on the sofa watching TV when the phone rang.“Hello,my son.”it was his father's voice,“where is your mother?”“Mother is working in the garden.”“What?”barked the father,“Your mother is not as young and strong as she used to be.Why aren't you helping her?”“I can't.”was the reply.“Grandma is using the other hoe.”


一个13岁的男孩正坐在沙发上看电视,这时电话响了。“喂,儿子。”是父亲打来的。“你妈呢?” “妈妈在院子里干活呢!”“什么?”父亲吼道。“你妈已经不如从前那么强壮了。你这时怎么不在帮她?”“不行啊!”儿子答道。“另一把锄头奶奶正在用呢!”


Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting or a conference?你能告诉我在会议中秘书必须做些什么工作?

An important part of the duties of a secretary, I think, is to do well the preparation work for the meeting.我认为一个秘书的重要职责之一就是做好会议的准备工作。

Then what should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting?那么秘书应该做些什么样的准备工作呢?

First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.首先,开会前要准备好议程。

How about the documents and the information?还有文件和资料怎么办呢?

All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.所有有关会议的文件和资料都得准备妥当,最好在会议前印好并分发出去。

Can you tell me a bit more about it?你能讲得稍微详细些吗?

First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed.首先,开会前要准备好议程。然后你要保证出席这次会议的人员都要通知到。

What should a secretary do during the meeting?那么在会议期间秘书要做些什么呢?

After the meeting she should type the minutes up, and keep proper records of the business transacted and resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting.会后她还要把讨论的问题和通过的决议做出记录,把它打印出来,并把会上所做出的决定进行贯彻。

Well, do you think you can look after the office on your own now?你现在觉得你可以独自照看办公室了吗?

Yes. I think I can. Why, shall I have to?是的,我想我能,怎么?要我照看吗?

Take some minutes? How can you take minutes?做会议记录?你怎么做会议记录?

Oh, really! To take minutes means to make notes at a meeting so that afterwards you can write a record of what has happened.哦,这个,做会议记录就是在会议上做笔记,然后会议结束后做一份会议记录。

So you go to the meeting, make notes, and then type out the minutes from your notes.就是你去开会,做记录,然后从你的笔记里打出会议记录?

That's right. And while I'm taking the minutes, you have to look after the office.非常正确。当我去做会议记录时,你得照看办公室。

A formal meeting?一个正式会议?

Yes, meetings are either formal or informal.是的,会议分为正式和非正式的。

This meeting that you have to take minutes at this afternoon-is it a big meeting?你今天下午要去做会议记录的会议是个大会议吗?

Oh yes, it's a very big meeting. All the branch managers will be there. It's a formal meeting.是的,是个大会议。所有分支的经理都会来。这是个正式会议。

What's the difference?有什么区别吗?

Well, an informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point. It isn't planned in advance.一个非正式的会议通常临时召开,讨论一个特殊问题。并不用事先计划。

Did you have to take minutes at that meeting? 那你需要做会议记录吗?

No, I didn't. As it was an informal meeting, I just made a short report.不,不需要的。如果是个非正式会议,我只需要做个短的报告。

Could you show me a copy? 你可以给我看一份复印件吗?

Yes, here you are. You see you must make sure that you include everything.好的,给你。你看你必须确定包括了一切。

What should a secretary do during the meeting?在会议上秘书需要做什么呢?

Of course, she should take minutes.当然,她需要做会议记录。

And after the meeting?会议之后该做什么呢?

After the meeting,she should type the minutes up, and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting.会议结束后,她应打出会议记录,然后做适当的商业交易和通过的决议的纪录,并执行许多决定会议上达成的共识。


Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting or a conference?你能告诉我在会议中秘书必须做些什么工作?

An important part of the duties of a secretary, I think, is to do well the preparation work for the meeting.我认为一个秘书的重要职责之一就是做好会议的准备工作。

Then what should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting?那么秘书应该做些什么样的准备工作呢?

Can you tell me a bit more about it? 你能讲得稍微详细些吗?

First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.首先,开会前要准备好议程。

Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed.然后你要保证出席这次会议的人员都要通知到。

How about the documents and the information? 还有文件和资料怎么办呢?

All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.所有有关会议的文件和资料都得准备妥当,最好在会议前印好并分发出去。

What should a secretary do during the meeting?那么在会议期间秘书要做些什么呢?

After the meeting she should type the minutes up, and keep proper records of the business transacted and resolutions passed and also implement many of the decision reached at the meeting.会后她还要把讨论的问题和通过的决议作出记录,把它打印出来,并把会上所作出的决定进行贯彻。

You see you must make sure that you include everything.你要明白必须把所有的事都记全。


All the branch managers will be there.公司各部门经理都将出席会议。

Meetings are either formal or informal.会议分正式和非正式会议两种。

What's the difference?有什么区别吗?

An informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point.非正式会议,通常都是为了讨论某个特殊问题而当场召开的。


Do you think you can look after the office on your own now?你认为你现在能独立照料办公室的事吗?

To take minutes means to make notes at a meeting so that afterwards you can write a record of what has happened.“会议记录”是指在开会的时候记笔记,这样会后你可以把开会的情况做个记录。

As it was an informal meeting, I just made a short report.因为那是一个非正式会议,所以我只写了几个简短纪要。

Could you show me a copy?我可以看一份纪要吗?

A:Mary,would you please type this speech for me?

B:Of course,Mr.Wang.

A:Ah,would you please double space it so I can read it easily?

B:Is the typing format the same as last time?

A:Yes,it is.Please remember to print the speech on the letter head and use a larger font size.

B:OK.When do you need it finished?

A:Let me see.Could you finish it by five this afternoon?










A:Miss Chen,have you finished the report?The general manager needs it by three o'clock this afternoon.

B:Yes,I have finished writing it on the word processor and now I'm amending it.

A:OK,Can you print it out before eleven clock?I want to look it over first.

B:Should I print it out on the laser printer,Mr.Smith?

A:No,please print it out on the dot matrix printer first.

B:OK.Anything else?









A:Miss Liu,I've cut ten stencils for the ink duplicator.Could you do me a favor by printing them out for me?

B:OK.What kind of duplicating paper could I use?

A:Please use size A3 duplicating paper.

B:How many copies do you want,Miss Chen?

A:I need fifty for each,please.

B:Well,I'll give them to you in half an hour.

A:Thank you very much for your help.








A:Can you copy this report for me?

B:Of course.How many copies would you like?

A:A hundred and fifty.No,wait-make that a hundred and sixty.

B:All right,sir.Anything else?

A:No,thank you.That will be all at present.

B:Your copies will be ready in about ten minutes.







note n.笔记;记录

minute n.会议记录

formal adj.正式的

informal adj.非正式的

record v.记录

advance n.前进;进展;提前

in advance预先

transact v.办理,交易

entitled adj.有资格的

distribute v.分配,散布

format n.设计,版式

matrix n.矩阵,脉石,字母

Three People

A man visiting a graveyard saw a tombstone that read, “Here lies John Kelly, a lawyer and an honest man.” “How about that!” he exclaimed. “They've got three people buried in one grave.”



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