
第123章 Execution(4)

“Alas! dear friend,” said Aramis, “our recent adventures have entirely disgusted me with life and with the sword. This time my determination is irrevocably taken. After the siege I shall enter the house of the Lazarists. Keep the commission, D’Artagnan. The profession of arms suits you. You will be a brave and gallant captain.”

D’Artagnan, his eye moist with gratitude and beaming with joy, went back to Athos, whom he found still at table, contemplating the charms of his last glass of Malaga by the light of his lamp.

“Well,” said he, “they also have refused this commission!”

“Because, dear friend, no one is more worthy of it than yourself.”

And he took a pen, wrote D’Artagnan’s name on the commission, and returned it to him.

“I shall then no longer have any friends,” said the young man. “Alas! nothing more, only bitter recollections.”

And he let his head sink into his hands, while two tears rolled down his cheeks.

“You are young,” replied Athos, “and your bitter recollections have time to be changed into sweet memories.”


Rochelle, deprived of the aid of the English fleet and the reinforcements promised by Buckingham, surrendered after a siege of a year. On the 28th of October, 1628, the capitulation was signed.

The king made his entrance into Paris on December 23 the same year. He was received in triumph, as if he came from conquering an enemy and not Frenchmen. He entered by the Faubourg St. Jacques with magnificent display.

The procession, led by symbolical cars, passed under a dozen triumphal arches, on which all the gods of Olympus were celebrating the unnumbered virtues of Louis the Victorious. An immense throng, stationed along the whole route of the procession, rent the air with their enthusiastic acclamations, greeting the conqueror’s return.

D’Artagnan took possession of his rank. Porthos left the service, and during the following year married Madame Coquenard. The coffer so eagerly coveted contained 800,000 livres.

Mousqueton had a magnificent livery, and enjoyed the satisfaction for which he had yearned all his life—that of standing behind a gilded carriage.

Aramis, after a long absence in Lorraine, suddenly disappeared, and ceased to write his friends. They learned long afterwards, through Madame de Chevreuse, who told it to two or three of her lovers, that he had decided to assume the habit in a religious house at Nancy.

Bazin became a lay brother.

Athos remained a musketeer under D’Artagnan’s command till the year 1631, when, after a journey which he made to Touraine, he also quitted the service, under the pretext of having just inherited a small property in Roussillon.

Grimaud followed Athos.

D’Artagnan fought three times with Rochefort, and wounded him three times.

“I shall probably kill you the fourth,” said he to him, holding out his hand to assist him to rise.

“Then it is better for you and for me that we stop here,” answered the wounded man. “Zounds! I am much more your friend than you think; for after our very first encounter, I could, by saying a word to the cardinal, have had your head cut off!”

This time they heartily shook hands, and without retaining any malice.

Planchet obtained from Rochefort the rank of sergeant in the guards.

M. Bonacieux lived on very quietly, perfectly ignorant of what had become of his wife, and caring very little about the matter. One day he had the imprudence to recall himself to the cardinal’s memory. The cardinal sent him word that he would see to it that he should never want for anything in future.

In fact, the next day M. Bonacieux left his house at seven o’clock in the evening to go to the Louvre, and he was never seen again in the Rue des Fossoyeurs. The opinion of those who seemed to be best informed was that he was fed and lodged in some royal castle at the expense of his generous Eminence.

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    21世纪小绣娘叶清乐穿越到星际。哥哥有钱,姐姐学霸,叶清乐以为自己可以躺赢了。可渐渐的,叶清乐做一条咸鱼的梦破了!意识海里的祖宗们开始逐渐被唤醒祖宗一:我要造出最锋利的武器,乐丫头去学习他们的武器制造技术叶清乐:专业不对口,不去!祖宗:呵( ̄_ ̄)欺师灭祖的玩意,儿子砸,管管你的后代儿子:儿砸,管管。。。社会最底层的叶清乐:我去祖宗二:瓷器呢?这个世界没有瓷器怎么行,乐丫头去造给他们瞅瞅。叶清乐:。。。。行吧奶奶:叶清乐!你怎么能放弃刺绣?祖宗四:我们要做出最美味的食物,征服他们!叶清乐:这我真没天赋。要不您看他怎么样,他可以继承您的衣钵,我把您送到他意识海怎么样。祖宗:也行。。。叶清乐从此在伺候祖宗的道路上一去不复返直到一个男人撞坏了叶清乐的宝贝刺绣:“哪个混。。。”看到这位逆光而行的男人,刚刚有发生什么吗?没有,她什么都不记得了!男人:对不起叶清乐:没关系,是她不知好歹!绣品:以前喊人家小宝贝,现在说人家不知好歹?这是一个有着无数多才多艺的祖宗加持,努力(被迫)奋发,带领祖宗向星际人民展示瑰丽盛大的地球文化,顺便被个大帅比迷住双眼的故事。
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