
第15章 俄亥俄州(2)

Manufacturing continues to be important,too.Construction is a growing industry in Ohio.As the world becomes more technologically advanced,Ohio keeps up.Many of Ohio’s manufacturing plants use state-of-the-art robotics(机器人技术)and computerized(用计算机处理,使计算机化)methods when producing items such as cars,trucks,and machinery([总称]机器,机械).

Today Ohioans are watching carefully the effect of technology,industry,and science on the land.Pollution is a very real concern in Ohio,especially near industrial areas.Growing populations create more air pollution,water pollution,and land pollution.Landfill(垃圾掩埋法,垃圾)areas where trash(垃圾)is deposited grow taller and taller as Ohio grows.The environment is threatened,and agencies within the government have been created to monitor and find solutions to these problems.

As more and more farmland is sold off for construction of housing and commerce,Ohio has needed to develop conservation efforts to keep as much of our natural beauty protected as possible.Some wildlife has become endangered,including the bobcat(美洲野猫,山猫之类)and barn owl.Wildlife specialists are working hard to protect these and other species of animals.

Recently,some good results have come about in preserving the bald eagle(〈美〉[动]秃头鹰),river otter(水獭),and trumpeter swans(野天鹅)in Ohio.

Ohio is a beautiful land.Today people can still see the natural beauty as they visit national and state parks,rivers,lakes,forests,and other areas of interest.Natural history museums exist in many Ohio cities.Regional festivals that celebrate the past and present of Ohio and its land are held throughout the state,usually during the summer and fall months.

People in historic dress who perform the“old-fashioned”way of doing things can show us how Ohio used to be.

With deep roots and ever-reaching limbs,this Buckeye State has been a national leader in many ways.If its citizens are careful to protect its heritage,Ohio will always be a great land with a great history and an even greater future.


Bob Taft自1999年1月当选为俄亥俄州第67任州长以来,就将工作中心放在为本州吸引新颖和高收入的工作上,并确立本州的知识经济的地位,改造学校的建设,为本州培养人才,提高社会福利,重建城市和乡村社区。他的领导能力得到本州人民的赞赏。在2002年再次当选为本州州长。

Since being sworn in as Ohio’s 67th Governor on January 11,1999,Bob Taft has focused on attracting new,high-paying jobs to the state,positioning Ohio as a leader in the knowledge economy,rebuilding Ohio’s schools,enabling children to succeed,improving services for seniors and restoring(修复,重建)cities and rural communities.He was elected to his second term as Governor in November 2002.

Governor Taft is focused on making investments now to ensure prosperity(繁荣)for Ohioans in the future.The Governor’s Third Frontier Project is a 10-year,1.1billion job creation program to accelerate(加速,促进)research and commercialization(商业化,商品化)in high-tech,high-growth areas of Ohio’s economy,attracting federal and private investment to the state and creating new products,companies and jobs for Ohioans.

The Governor’s 5billion,10-year Jobs and Progress Plan,launched in 2003,represents the state’s largest investment in highway infrastructure(下部构造)since the creation of the interstate system.In 2004,several major highway construction projects began across Ohio and more than 700safety projects have already been completed.The plan will generate more than 4,000highway construction jobs,ease freeway(高速公路)congestion(拥塞),improve road safety and connect rural regions.

In 2000,Governor Taft launched his Rebuilding Ohio’s Schools initiative,a 12-year,10billion school construction and renovation(革新)plan.More than 290new or renovated(革新)buildings in 167districts across the state have opened since its launch.Through the Ohio School Facilities Commission,the state is spending more than 2million a day to build and renovate schools to ensure that every student in Ohio has a good,safe,modern building in which to learn.

The Governor’s Commission on Higher Education and the Economy evaluated(评价)Ohio’s higher education system to maximize(取……最大值,最佳化)the public investment in higher education and ensure that the needs of students,parents and the business community are being met.Announced during the Governor’s 2003Inaugural Address,the Commission included leaders of government,business and academia(学术界,学术环境),and presented its recommendations to the Governor in 2004.

Under Taft’s Student Success agenda,Ohio is implementing(贯彻,实现)an aligned system of clear and rigorous(严格的)academic standards,improved student assessments,and an accountability process that deals with persistently failing schools.His OhioReads program has recruited more than 50,000volunteer tutors to help every child read at grade level by the end of the fourth grade.He and First Lady Hope Taft lead by example by tutoring a Columbus middle school student weekly.

Governor Taft began his career in public service as a volunteer teacher for the Peace Corps in East Africa.He has served Ohioans as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives,as a Hamilton County Commissioner and as Ohio’s Secretary of State—the chief elections officer.

He graduated from Yale University with a Bachelor of Arts(文学士)degree in government,received his master’s degree in government from Princeton University and earned his law degree from the University of Cincinnati(辛辛那提[美国俄亥俄州西南部城市])Law School.

Governor Taft’s father and grandfather both served in the United States Senate,and his great-grandfather,William Howard Taft,served as the 27th President of the United States and Chief Justice of the U.S.Supreme Court.

State Bird州鸟


Ohio adopted the cardinal as its official bird in 1933.A permanent resident of Ohio,the cardinal is known for its clear,strong song and brilliant plumage(鸟类羽毛,翅膀).

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