
第11章 北达科他州(6)

19.Sitting Bull Burial State Historic Site located on the western edge of Fort Yates marks the original grave of the Hunkpapa Sioux leader.During the Ghost Dance unrest of 1890an attempt was made to arrest him at his home on the Grand River in South Dakota,and a skirmish(小冲突)ensued in which Sitting Bull was killed.

20.The World’s Largest Buffalo monument(纪念碑)is located at Frontier Village in Jamestown(詹姆斯敦).The structure is 26feet high,46feet long,and weighs 60ton.

21.North Dakota grows more sunflowers than any other state.

22.Chartered in 1884Jamestown College is the oldest independent college in the state.

23.Ellendale’s oldest attraction is the Opera House.Built in 1909it has a seating capacity for 1000patrons[(对某人,某种目标,艺术等)赞助人,资助人].

24.Kenmare is the Goose Capital of North Dakota.Kenmare is the hunting haven(港口,避难所)of the north with an annual snow goose count being over 400,000birds.

25.Flickertail(美国北达科他州居民的绰号)refers to the Richardson ground squirrels which are abundant in North Dakota.The animal flicks[(摇动]or jerks its tail in a characteristic manner while running or just before entering its burrow(洞穴).

26.Killdeer Mountain Roundup Rodeo is the home of North Dakota’s oldest PRCA rodeo.

27.From 1934to 1941the Civilian Conservation Corps maintained a base camp near Medora to perform landscape and restoration work on the 128acre Chateau(城堡)de Mores State Historic Site and the de Mores City Park,which opened to the public on August 7,1941.

28.President Theodore Roosevelt first came to Dakota Territory in September 1883to hunt bison.Before returning home to New York,he became interested in the cattle business and established the Maltese Cross Ranch and the Elkhorn Ranch.

29.The world famous Paul Broste Rock Museum in Parshall is built of natural granite(花岗岩)quarried(挖出,苦心找出)from the area.The entire structure was constructed with volunteer labor and opened for business in 1965.Paul called it his Acropolis(古希腊城市的卫城,雅典的卫城)on a hill.

30.Named after Henry D.Minot,a young entrepreneurial visionary from the east,the town of Minot was conceived in the late 1800s.With the impending arrival of the Great Northern Railroad the town site was actually selected in November of 1886.Its phenomenal(显著的,现象的,能知觉的)growth led to the early nickname Magic City.

31.New Leipzig is known as The Small,Friendly German Town on the Dakota Prairie and hosts an annual Oktoberfest.

32.The annual Central North Dakota Steam Threshers Reunion is one of New Rockford’s main annual events.It is held the third weekend of September and boasts a variety of antique farm machinery

33.Founded in 1978Fort Berthold Community College is a tribally chartered college located on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation near the town of New Town.

34.Niewoehner Funeral Home in Rugby has changed the skyline of Rugby with the construction of a 30foot tower containing 13bells.The largest bells,of which there are two,are 40inches in diameter and weigh about 1,300pounds each.

35.Only one word is needed to describe Lake Sakakawea country-big.From the massive two-mile long Garrison Dam near Riverdale to the end of Lake Sakakawea near Williston,Lake Sakakawea is nearly 200miles long with a shoreline of countless(无数的,数不尽的)bays and inlets(水湾,小港)that cover 1,600miles.

36.The American elm([植]榆树)(Ulmus americana)is the official state tree and is commonly found across North Dakota.The American elm often reaches 120feet or taller.

37.In 1982Rutland hosted what was considered the grand daddy of all celebrations when the town went into the “Guinness Book of World Records”with the cooking and eating of the World’s Largest Hamburger.That year,between 8and 10thousand people came to sample the tasty 3591pound burger.

38.The rich heritage(遗产,继承权)of Grand Forks is preserved at the Myra Museum featuring an 1890’s home dedicated to pioneer women,a one-room school,carriage house,and the city’s original log Post Office.

39.Turtle Lake celebrates turtles,hard-shelled reptiles(爬虫动物)often found in the water.Turtle Lake has erected a two-ton sculpture(雕刻,雕塑)of a turtle near the entrance to the city.The town is the home of the annual United States Turtle Racing Championship.

40.Of the 50states North Dakota is 17th in size,with 70,665square miles.North Dakota is 212miles long north to south and 360miles wide east to west.

41.Lawrence Welk left his home in Strasburg on his birthday in 1924to pursue his musical career.On July 2,1955,he made his debut(初次登场)on national television.The Lawrence Welk Show was produced for 26years and today reruns of the popular program air weekly throughout the United States and foreign countries.

42.The Lewis and Clark expedition encountered their first grizzly(略灰色的,呈灰色的)(brown)bears in North Dakota.

43.A 12-foot-high bronze statue of Sakakawea and her baby son Baptiste stands at the entrance to the North Dakota Heritage Center on the state capitol grounds in Bismarck.The statue,by Chicago artist Leonard Crunelle,depicts Sakakawea with her baby strapped to her back and looking westward toward the country she helped to open.

44.Located southwest of Medora,De Mores State Historic Site memorializes the life and activities in North Dakota of Antoine de Vallombrosa the Marquis de Mores who arrived in 1883.Among his enterprises were a beef packing plant,a stagecoach(公共马车)line,a freighting company,refrigerated railway cars,cattle and sheep raising,land ownership and a new town which he called Medora.

45.The piles of rock on White Butte,North Dakota’s highest point,are known of as rock johnnies(男人,家伙)or sheepherder’s monuments and according to legend were piled there by sheepherders as a way to pass the time while they tended their flocks(羊群).

46.The International Peace Garden straddles(跨骑)the international Boundary between North Dakota and the Canadian province of Manitoba.In 1956the North Dakota Motor Vehicle Department,on its own initiative,placed the words Peace Garden State on license plates;the name proved so popular that it was formally adopted by the 1957legislature.

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