阿尔特·布赫瓦尔德(An Buchwald),美国著名专栏作家、幽默大师、语言大师。1982年他曾获美国新闻界最高荣誉——普利策奖。他的文章生动风趣,充满辛辣的幽默。
Dr.Heinrich Applebaum recently completed a study on the effects oftelevision on children.In his case,though,he wasn’t concemed with vio—lence,but how television gives children a false sense of reality. Dr.Applebaum told me,“The greatest danger of television is that itpresents a world to children that doesn’t exist,and leads them to expectthings that never happen.”
“I don’t understand,Doctor,”I said.
“Well,let me cite on example,have you ever seen a television showwhere a person in an automobile doesn’t immediately find a parkingplace on the very first try?”
“Come to think of it,”I said,“I haven’t.”
“Not only is there always a parking spot available but the driver doesn’t even have to back into it.There are two parking spaces available whenever someone in a TV show needs one.Children are being led to be—lieve that when they grow up they will always be able to find a parking place and where they want it.Can you imagine the trauma when they discover that in real life you can drive around a block for three hours and still not find a place to put your car?”
“I never thought of it but it’S true.What else do they show on tele—vision which gives a distorted picture of the real world?”
“Have you noticed that whenever a person walks out of a restaurant or office building or apartment and says to the doorman,”Get me a taxi,the taxi immediately arrives?Millions of children are under the impres—sion that all a doorman has to do iS to blow his whistle and a taxi will be there.I have never seen a show where the doorman has said,“I’m sorry.I can’t get you a taxi.You better take the bus.”’
“Of course,”I said,“I never knew before what bothered me about those TV action programs,but now I do.There is always a yellow taxi waiting off—screen.”
“Now,”said Applebaum,“have you ever said to a taxi driver, ‘Follow that car and don’t lose him’?”
“Not really.”
“Well,if you had,the driver would have told you to blow it out your ear.No taxi driver is in a mood to follow another Car because that means he’S going to get into involved.But on TV every cabdriver looks as if he’d nothing better to do than to drive 90 miles an hour through rain——swept street trying to keep up with a careful of hoods.And the worst thing is that the kids believe it.”
“What else have you discovered?”
“Kids have a perverted sense of what emergency wards of hospitals are really like.On TV shows they take a kid to an emergency ward andfour doctors come rushing down to bandage his leg.In a real life situationthe kid would be sitting on the bench for two hours.On TV there alwayshappens to be a hospital bed available when a kid needs it.What the kidsin this country don’t know is that sometimes you have to wait three daysand have to put a cash deposit of 500 down before they give itto you.”
Applebaum said the cruelest hoax of a11 is when TV shows a lawyerdefending someone innocent of a crime “on the screen the lawyer spends day and night digging up the evi—dence to clear his client.In real life the lawyer says to the defendant,‘Look.I’ve got 20 minutes.Tell me your story and then I’11 plead youguilty and made a deal with the DA.’The defendant might say,‘But I’m innocent.’The lawyer would say,‘So what?I can’t afford to findthat out.I’m innocent.’The lawyer would say,‘So what?I can’t af-ford to find that out.I’m not Perry Mason.’”
“Then what you’re saying,Dr.Applebaum,it isn’t the violence onTV but the unreality that is doing harm to children.”
“Exactly.Even the commercials are talking their toll.Children areled to believe that when they grow up if they use a certain mouthwashthey’11 find the mate of their mouth all night,they to into a tailspin andmany of them never come out of it.”
“What do you think is the biggest fear little girls have?”
“I have no idea.”
“That someday when they get married their husbands will have ringaround the collar.”
“What about boys?” worry that they’11 only go around once in life and they won’t have all the gusto out of their beer that they deserve.”
available adj.有空的,有用的
bother n.麻烦,讨厌的人,纠纷
cabdriver n.马车夫;出租汽车司机
deposit n.存款,堆积物,定金
commercial adj.商业的,商品化的,商用的
gusto n.爱好,由衷的高兴,嗜好