
第23章 Te xt A Plain Talk Abo ut Handling Stre ss

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

Look at the pictures above carefully and match them with the phrases that may

represent the feelings of the figures in them.

Picture A a. feeling frustrated

Picture B b. feeling sleepy

Picture C c. feeling nervous

Picture D d. feeling tired

Picture E e. feeling frightened

Picture F f. feeling hostile

1. With your classmates,talk about the last time you felt frustrated,sleepy,tired,

frightened,nervous and hostile.

2. Do you see these symptoms when you feel stressful and do you see any other

symptoms such as physical,emotional and mental ones? Share as many symptoms

as possible with your classmates.

3. Can you work out a test to show whether a person is stressful?

some useful words a nd phr ases for your r eference:

sign change concentration fatigue

anxiety appetite sleep muscle

digestion interest perception memory

judgment relationship with classmates

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

Every college student has to deal with an increased workload and competition as well as the pressure of living away from home,but each year has its own specific pressure. Talk with your partner what kind of pressures college students will face when they are freshmen,sophomores,juniors and seniors.

useful words a nd expr essions:

environment responsibility major scholarship

security friendship job interviews application

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Pair work

Please read the following poem written by a 5-year-old boy and talk about the


Str ess

by Ben,Year 5 ,Potley Hill Primary School Looks like steam coming out of someone??s head Sounds like someone punching through the ceiling Tastes like chewing very old cardboard Smells like a bunch of rotten eggs Feels like touching chalk Stress is when someone annoys me!

1. When will you feel stressed?

2. Why will you feel stressed?

3. Work out a list to show why people will feel stressed?

Ⅱ. Grou p d iscu ssion

Alice is a writer for an online column. Please read the letters between her and one of her readers and discuss the following questions

Dear Alice,

Is there such a thing as GOOD stress?

Fr ustr ated

Dear fr ustr ated ,

Stress is often good: it??s energizing,motivating,and even lifesaving at times.

The human stress response fuels us for athletic events,“pressures”us to earn money for food and movies,and yanks us out of harm??s way when a car is coming at us at 60 M. P. H. Gravity is also stress,but it allows us to walk around without getting caught

in trees,power lines,and airplane propellers.

Try it,and maybe your next letter will be signed,“Hopeful”,“Exhilarated”,or “Up for the challenge”.


1. Have you ever wondered why roller coasters ( 过山车) ,skydiving,bungee jumping ( 蹦极) and extreme sports are so popular?

2. Can you recognize some situations that result from GOOD stress?

Ⅲ. Grou p d iscu ssion

Please read the following poem and work out the task after it.

Str ess

by Sharon K.

What??s that stiffness in my neck?

Feel that lump come in my throat

Stomach dropping to my knees

Feel like I just missed the boat

Panic rising to my head

Heartbeat racing,breathing fast

Can I do it? Will I fail

How long will these feelings last?

Apprehension overwhelms

Nervous twitching,fingers curled

Tension headache,aching back

All these symptoms now unfurled

Now my body??s overrun

Hormones racing from my glands

Must release it,let it out

How to do it??s in my hands

Lost our way of fight or flight

Stored up anger ,unreleased

Words and shouting flung about

Now it??s time that raging ceased

Relaxation,that??s the key

Integration of the mind

Exercise,good food to eat

Leave those worries far behind

Hold that stress out at arm??s length

Draw it,write it,let it go

Roll it in a little ball

Throw it out,release that woe

Find the tools you have inside

Make a choice to be serene

Welcome stress,become its friend

Don??t put life in quarantine.

It is important to take care of yourself during periods of high stress. Devise some tips to help yourself and others under heavy pressure from the following aspects:

meals,sleep,exercise and what you think is important.

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