Enter ***ANDER
***ANDER. Where art thou, proud Demetrius? Speak thou now. PUCK. Here, villain, drawn and ready. Where art thou? ***ANDER. I will be with thee straight. PUCK. Follow me, then, To plainer ground. Exit ***ANDER as following the voice
DEMETRIUS. Lysander, speak again. Thou runaway, thou coward, art thou fled? Speak! In some bush? Where dost thou hide thy head? PUCK. Thou coward, art thou bragging to the stars, Telling the bushes that thou look'st for wars, And wilt not come? Come, recreant, come, thou child; I'll whip thee with a rod. He is defil"d That draws a sword on thee. DEMETRIUS. Yea, art thou there? PUCK. Follow my voice; we"ll try no manhood here. Exeunt
Re-enter ***ANDER
***ANDER. He goes before me, and still dares me on; When I come where he calls, then he is gone. The villain is much lighter heel'd than I. I followed fast, but faster he did fly, That fallen am I in dark uneven way, And here will rest me. [Lies down] Come, thou gentle day. For if but once thou show me thy grey light, I'll find Demetrius, and revenge this spite.[Sleeps]
PUCK. Ho, ho, ho! Coward, why com'st thou not? DEMETRIUS. Abide me, if thou dar'st; for well I wot Thou run'st before me, shifting every place, And dar"st not stand, nor look me in the face. Where art thou now? PUCK. Come hither; I am here. DEMETRIUS. Nay, then, thou mock'st me. Thou shalt buy this dear, If ever I thy face by daylight see; Now, go thy way. Faintness constraineth me To measure out my length on this cold bed. By day's approach look to be visited. [Lies down and sleeps] Enter HELENA