
第11章 早期为发明所做的努力(4)

Interested people have often asked me how and when Ibegan to invent.This Ican only answer from my present recollection in the light of which the first attempt Irecall was rather ambitious for it involved the invention of an apparatus and a method.In the former Iwas anticipated but the latter was original.It happened in this way.One of my playmates had come into the possession of a hook and fishing-tackle which created quite an excitement in the village,and the next morning all started out to catch frogs.Iwas left alone and deserted owing to a quarrel with this boy.Ihad never seen a real hook and pictured it as something wonderful,endowed with peculiar qualities,and was despairing not to be one of the party.Urged by necessity,Isomehow got hold of a piece of soft iron wire,hammered the end to a sharp point between two stones,bent it into shape,and fastened it to a strong string.Ithen cut a rod,gathered some bait,and went down to the brook where there were frogs in abundance.But Icould not catch any and was almost discouraged when it occurred to me to dangle the empty hook in front of a frog sitting on a stump.At first he collapsed but by and by his eyes bulged out and became bloodshot,he swelled to twice his normal size and made a vicious snap at the hook.

Immediately Ipulled him up.Itried the same thing again and again and the method proved infallible.When my comrades,who in spite of their fine outfit had caught nothing,came to me they were green with envy.For a long time Ikept my secret and enjoyed the monopoly but finally yielded to the spirit of Christmas.Every boy could then do the same and the following summer brought disaster to the frogs.

In my next attempt Iseem to have acted under the first instinctive impulse which later dominated me-to harness the energies of nature to the service of man.Idid this thru the medium of May-bugs-or June-bugs as they are called in America ——which were a veritable pest in that country and sometimes broke the branches of trees by the sheer weight of their bodies.The bushes were black with them.Iwould attach as many as four of them to a crosspiece,ratably arranged on a thin spindle,and transmit the motion of the same to a large disc and so derive considerable "power".These creatures were remarkably efficient,for once they were started they had no sense to stop and continued whirling for hours and hours and the hotter it was the harder they worked.All went well until a strange boy came to the place.He was the son of a retired officer in the Austrian Army.That urchin ate May-bugs alive and enjoyed them as tho they were the finest blue-point oysters.That disgusting sight terminated my endeavors in this promising field and Ihave never since been able to touch a May-bug or any other insect for that matter.

After that,Ibelieve,Iundertook to take apart and assemble the clocks of my grandfather.In the former operation Iwas always successful but often failed in the latter.So it came that he brought my work to a sudden halt in a manner not too delicate and it took thirty years before Itackled another clockwork again.

Shortly there after Iwent into the manufacture of a kind of pop-gun which comprised a hollow tube,a piston,and two plugs of hemp.When firing the gun,the piston was prest against the stomach and the tube was pushed back quickly with both hands.The air between the plugs was compressed and raised to high temperature and one of them was expelled with a loud report.The art consisted in selecting a tube of the proper taper from the hollow stalks.Idid very well with that gun but my activities interfered with the window panes in our house and met with painful discouragement.

If Iremember rightly,Ithen took to carving swords from pieces of furniture which Icould conveniently obtain.At that time Iwas under the sway of the Serbian national poetry and full of admiration for the feats of the heroes.Iused to spend hours in mowing down my enemies in the form of corn-stalks which ruined the crops and netted me several spankings from my mother.Moreover these were not of the formal kind but the genuine article.

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