

But I am glad to say that all of the Bobbsey twins were promoted, and Freddie and Flossie came home very proud to tell that when they went back again, after the Thanksgiving holidays, they would be in the primer reading book.

And such preparations as went on for Thanksgiving! Dinah was busy from morning until night, and when the little twins made inquiries about the turkey they were to have Mr.Bobbsey said it would be the biggest he could buy.

"An' I'se gwine t' stuff him wif chestnuts an' oysters," said Dinah."I tells you what, chilluns, yo' all am suttinly gwine to hab one grandfeed." "I wish everybody was," said Flossie, a bit wistfully."I hope our catSnoop, wherever he is, has plenty of milk, and some nice turkey bones." "I guess he will have," said Mamma Bobbsey, gently.

"I hope all the poor children in our school have enough to eat," said Freddie."Mr.Tetlow said for us to bring what we could for them.""And you never told me!" exclaimed Mrs.Bobbsey."Why didn't you? Iwould have sent something."Neither Bert nor Nan had thought to mention at home that a collection would be taken at the school for the poor families in the town.But as soon as Mrs.Bobbsey heard what Freddie said she telephoned to her husband.Mr.Bobbsey went to see Mr.Tetiow, and from him learned that there were a number of families who would not have a very happy Thanksgiving.

Then the lumber merchant gave certain orders to his grocer and butcher, and if a number of poor people were not well supplied with food that gladsome season, it was not the fault of Mr.Bobbsey.

But I am getting a little ahead of my story.

A few days before Thanksgiving Mrs.Bobbsey, with a letter in herhand,came to where the four twins were in the sitting room, talking over whatthey wanted for Christmas.

"Guess who are coming to spend Thanksgiving with us!" cried Mamma Bobbsey, as she waved the letter in the air.

"Uncle Bobbsey!" guessed Nan."Uncle Minturn," said Bert.

The little twins guessed other friends and relatives, and finally Mrs.Bobbsey said:

"Yes, your Uncle Bobbsey and Uncle Minturn are coming, and so are your aunts, and Cousin Harry, Cousin Dorothy and also Hal Bingham, whom youmet at the seashore.""Oh, what a jolly Thanksgiving it will be!" cried the Bobbsey twins.CHAPIER XVI MR.TETLOW ASKS QUESTIONSTHANKSGIVING was celebrated in the Bobbsey home as it never had been before.I am afraid if I told you all that went on, of the big, brownroasted turkey, of the piles of crisp turkey, of the pumpkin and mince pies, of the nuts and candies, of the big dishes of cranberry sauce, and the plum pudding that Dinah carried in high above her head - I am afraid if I told you of all these things there would be trouble.

For I am sure you would all be writing to me to ask where the Bobbseys lived, so that you might go and see them, and perhaps spend Christmas with them.Not that they would not be glad to have you, but they have so many friends that their house is sure to be filled over the holidays.

So I will simply say that there was the grandest time ever, and let it go at that.

Uncle and Aunt Bobbsey - Uncle and Aunt Minturn, from the country and seashore, came, with Cousin Dorothy and Cousin Harry then, also, Hal Bingham arrived, and the Bobbsey twins took great delight in showing their former playmates about Lakeport.

"Isn't it lonesome at the seashore now?" asked Nan of Dorothy, as she walked with her cousin about the busy streets of the town.

"Not at all," answered Dorothy."The sea is never lonesome for me.Italways seems to be telling me something, Winter or Summer.

"I love it in the Summer," said Nan, "but in the Winter it seems so cold and cruel.""That is because you do not know it as well as I do," said Dorothy.Hal, Harry, and Bert had fine times together.There was no skating,andthe little flurry of snow there had been was not enough for coasting, but they had other fun.

"Do your ducks miss our duck Downy?" asked Freddie of his cousin Harry.

"Well, I guess they do," was the laughing answer, for Freddie and Flossie had a pet duck which they took about with them almost as faithfully as they did Snoop."How is Downy, anyhow?" asked Harry.

"He's fine," answered the little fellow."Want to see him?" and he took his cousin out to the barn where Downy had a pen all to himself.

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  • 重生天后:简先生,合作愉快


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