
第15章 AT SCHOOL(2)

And, as might be expected, considerable water got on the two children, and when Snap shook himself, as he often did, to get some of the drops off his shaggy coat, he gave Flossie and her clean dress a regular shower bath.

Nan, coming from the house saw this.She ran up to Flossie, who hadthehose just then, crying:

"Flossie Bobbsey! Oh, you'll get it when mamma sees you! She cleanedyou all up and now look at yourself!""She can't see - there's no looking glass here," said Freddie, with a laugh.

"And you're just as bad!" cried Nan."You'd both better go in the houseright away, and stop playing with the hose.""We're through, anyhow," said Freddie."You ought to see Snap jump over the water.""Oh, you children!" cried Nan, with a shake of her head.She seemed like a little mother to them at times, though she was only four years older.

Mrs.Bobbsey was very sorry to see Flossie so wet and bedraggled, and said:

"You should have known better than to play with water with a clean dress on, Flossie.Now I must punish you.You will have to stay in the house for an hour, and so will Freddie."Poor little Bobbsey twins! But then it was not a very severe punishment, and really some was needed.It was hard when two of their little playmates came and called for them to come out.But Mrs.Bobbsey insisted on the two remaining in until the hour was at an end.

Then, when they had on dry garments, and could go out, there was no one with whom to play.

"I'm not going to squirt the hose ever again," said Freddie."Neither am I," said his sister."Never, never!"Snap didn't say anything.He lay on the porch asleep, being cooled off after his sport with the water.

"I - I wish we had our cat, Snoop, back," said Flossie."Then we wouldn't have played in the water.""That's so," agreed Freddie."I wonder where he can be?"They asked their father that night if any of the railroad men had seen their pet, but he said none had, and added:

"I'm afraid you'll have to get along without Snoop.He seems to have disappeared.But, anyhow, you have Snap.""But some one may come along and claim him," said Freddie."That Danny Rugg says he belongs to Mr.Peterson in Millville, father," said Bert.

"Well, I'll call Mr.Peterson up on the telephone tomorrow, and find out," spoke Mr.Bobbsey."That much will be settled, at any rate.""Did you hear anything from the circus people about the fat lady?" asked Mrs.Bobbsey.

"Yes, but no news," was her husband's answer."The circus has gone to Cuba and Porto Rico for the winter, and I will have to write there.It will be some time before we can expect an answer, though, as I suppose the show will be traveling from place to place and mail down there is not like it is up here.But we may find the fat lady and the cup some day.""And Snoop, too," put in Nan."Yes, Snoop too."One fact consoled the Bobbseys in their trouble over their lost pet and cup.This was the answer received by Mr.Bobbsey from Mr.Peterson.That gentleman had lost a valuable dog, but it was a small poodle, and unlike big Snap.So far no one had claimed the trick dog, and it seemed likely that the children could keep him.They were very glad about this.

"Oh dear!" exclaimed Bert, one afternoon a few days following the fun with the hose, "school begins Monday.Only three more days of vacation!""I think you have had a long vacation," returned Mrs.Bobbsey, "and if Freddie and Flossie are going to do such tricks as they did the other day, with the hose, I, for one, shall be glad that you are in school.""I like school," said Nan."There are lot of new girls coming this term, I hear.""Any new fellows?" asked Bert, more interested.

"I don't know.There is a new teacher in the kindergarten, though, where Flossie and Freddie will go.Nellie Parks has met her, and says she's awfully nice.""That's good," spoke Flossie."I like nice teachers.""Well, I hope you and Freddie will get along well," said MammaBobbsey.

"You are getting older you know, and you must soon begin to study hard.""We will," they promised.

The school bell, next Monday morning, called to many rather unwilling children.The long vacation was over and class days had begun once more.The four Bobbseys went off together to the building, which was only a few blocks from their home.Mr.Tetlow was the principal, and there were half a dozen lady teachers.

"Hello, Nan," greeted Grace Lavine."May I sit with you this term?" "Oh, I was going to ask her," said Nellie Parks.

"Well, I was first," spoke Grace, with a pout.

"We'll be in the room where there are three seated desks," said Nan with a smile."Maybe we three can be together.""Oh, we'll ask teacher!" cried Nellie."That will be lovely!""I'm going to sit with Freddie," declared Flossie."We're to be together- mamma said so.""Of course, dear," agreed Nan."I'll speak to your teacher about it."Bert was walking in the rear with Charley Mason, when Danny Rugg camearound a corner.

"I know what I'm going to do to you after school, Bert Bobbsey!" called the bully."You just wait and see.""A11 right - I'll wait" spoke Bert quietly."I'm not afraid."By this time they were at the school, and it was nearly time for the last bell to ring.Danny went off to join some of his particular chums, shaking his fist at Bert as he went.

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