
第77章 Towardan Open Future(5)

Don’t say that again in the future.’ Actually, it’s not the child’sfault, no one ever told him before. That’s all. I admired his courage and his spirit of “loving to poke one’s noseinto others’ business”。 Another time, on the way home in the evening,he saw a man robbing a woman’s purse. He ran over and caught therobber on the run, took the purse and returned it to the woman.

“Were you scared then?” I asked.

“Of course, I was scared, but I didn’t think too much. Actually,when you see something wrong happening, what need is there to bescared? “What’s your deepest impression of China? “My deepest impression is the way people help others. When youneed help, Beijing residents are the best. They are very warm-hearted.

In a big city like this, we should try to help others. If you need directions,for example, Beijing people are the best. They are very patient,not like people in other cities, who are impatient because they’re busywith something. But Beijing people also have bad habits. When somethingbad happens, they always like to look on with folded arms, andseldom get involved or help to solve the problem. “What are your plans for the future? What would you like to dothe most? “Besides acting, the thing I’d like to do most is Sino-Indian culturalexchange.” As soon as this topic is mentioned, Rizwan becameimmediately excited. “I’d like to increase the level of harmony andtrust between the cultures of China and India. I’m not a politician,but I think culture is the leading force of society and politics. Culturecomes first because there is no hatred in culture. It is an art, which everyonelikes. Some Indian TV dramas are loved by Chinese audiences,while Chinese martial arts are very popular in India. There is no hatredin culture, and culture should come before politics. During our talks I learned that the thing Rizwan is most proudof is being the first to introduce Indian TV dramas into China. All wehad seen before were Indian movies like Awara, Caravan and so on.

In 2004 Koshish Ek Aasha was broadcast on Beijing Television Station(BTV), the first Indian TV drama he introduced to China. Then followedit is another TV drama Karishma or Miracle recently shown onChina Central Television (CCTV) Station introduced to China in 2006.

Both TV dramas came to China with his help. He first looked for anappropriate company in China, then looked for the relevant companiesin India, to discuss copyright issues, sign contracts and handle otherthings. He did all this for nothing. It was voluntary work and made nomoney for him. If the companies’ business grew, they might give himan IOU or a commission. But, in Rizwan’s words, “you can alwaysmake money. 22 8 At that moment, I heard a baby crying. “Oh, that’s my son. He’salmost one hundred days old,” Rizwan said happily.

“Have you named him?

“Yes, Mu Sa in Chinese, Musa in Arabic, and Moses in English.

It’s the name of a prophet. “What would you like him to do in the future? “Whatever he likes. We will give him a very strict family educationlike I got, but we won’t force him to do anything. “What are you going to do in the future? Are you going to live inChina forever? “As I said earlier, the thing I’d like to do most is cultural exchange.

It doesn’t matter where I live. I can’t say that I have to do onething or the other; our future is open. We’ve got a direction, but wewon’t have a fixed plan. This is the best choice. Everything is possible. Looking at his bright eyes and smiling face, I’m praying silentlyin my heart that all his dreams will come true, that he will become apeople’s ambassador of Sino-Indian cultural exchange by making fulluse of his advantages in the Chinese language.

Written and translated by Li Shujuan

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