Of what the King (of Delhi)did after he had slain the King of Bisnaga,and entirely overthrown him,and seized his lands for himself,none being left to defend them.
As soon as the King had thus fulfilled all his desires,he bade his captains destroy some villages and towns which had risen against him,and give security to those who sought it of him.After the death of the (Hindu)King he stayed in that fortress two years,having already for twelve waged war on the kingdom.[483]He was far from his home,which WAS more than five hundred leagues distant;and,his forces being all scattered,news came to him how that all the land which was first gained by him had rebelled.As soon as this was known to the King he sent to collect his people,leaving in this fortress,which was the strongest in the kingdom,abundant provisions for its defence in all circumstances;and he left,for captain and governor of the kingdom,Enybiquymelly,[484]a Moor,and with him he left many troops,showing much kindness to each one of them separately,giving to each lavish gifts and lands in such a way that all were content,and,abandoning,forthwith all hope of returning to their own country,made there their homes.