
第15章 『人的安全』的考古学研究(7)

【91】这不仅是一个理论命题。像许多拥护修宪的思想家一样,洛克(Locke)认为大多数欧洲君主最初都是选举产生的。Two Treatises of Government,edited by Peter Laslett(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1964),II:106,page 356 .关于这点,可参见Richard Ashcraft,Locke’s Two Treatises of Government(Hemel Hempstead,UK:Unwin Hyman,1987),158-160。

【92】英国思想与早先胡格诺学派思想家如弗朗索瓦·郝特曼在Francogallia中的论述有紧密的联系。郝特曼认为,最初法国国王是选举产生的,而国会和议会与君主保持着咨商关系。这种最初的宪政式权力和权威分享机制被随后的法国君主破坏了。后来,庄园主有权抵制君主的绝对权力。Vincent,T heories o f the State,88-89 .

【93】 Ibid.,105 .康德的“绝对诉求”总结了自然权利的观点。同时他指出:“对待他人要像你所期待别人怎样对你一样。”Immanuel Kant,“Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Mor-als,”as cited in Jackson,The Global Covenant,416 .康德的这一观点与基督教黄金律和1700年前中国古代孔子的“己所不欲,勿施于人”观点相似。Confucius,Analects,XII.2 .

【94】 See Immanuel Kant,“The Science of Right,”in Great Books of the Western World,edited by R .M .Hutchins(Chicago:Encyclopedia Britannica,1952),xlii,401 .在那里他强调自由是一种天赋权利。

【95】在这一方面,我们要感谢我们的同事Jennifer Welsh。

【96】 Carole Pateman,The Sexual Contract(Cambridge,UK:Polity Press,1988),1 .

【97】有人认为,唯独格劳秀斯(Grotius)将自然法演绎为“对于他人权利的尊重”。R . J .Vincent(citing Richard Tuck),“Grotius,Human Rights,and Intervention,”in Hugo Grotius and International Relations,edited by Hedley Bull,Benedict Kingsbury,and Adam Roberts(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1990),241-242 .

【98】 Simon Chesterman,Just War or Just Peace?Humanitarian Intervention and In-ternational Law(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003),14 .

【99】 Chesterman,Just W ar or Just Peace?11-16 .

【100】 Jennifer Jackson-Preece,National Minorities and the European Nation-States System(Oxford:Clarendon Press,1998),56 .杰克森·普利斯(Jackson-Preece)认为,虽然这些条约可被视做保障和平的条件,但是当时的国际法并没有对“一个国家的君主基于宗教原因而干涉他国事务进行制裁”的规定(57)。

【101】 Bull,Kingsbury,and Roberts,eds.,Hugo Grotius and International Relations,247 .

【102】值得注意的是,格劳秀斯的“折中”的说法并不适用他对国家法的处理。似乎这更像一种道德说教,而不是法律原则。G .I .A .D .Draper,“Grotius’ Place in the Develop-ment of Legal Ideas about War,”in Bull,Kingsbury,and Roberts,eds .,Grotius and Inter-national Relations,197-199 .

【103】 Emmerich de Vattel,The Law of Nations or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and A f fairs of Nations and Sovereigns(Philadelphia:T .and J . W .Johnson,1883),Book 3,paras .145,147,293 and 294,available online at:http://www.constitution.org/vattel/vattel_03.htm,accessed 3 January 2005.

【104】例如,《瑞典战争文集》讨论了1621年波罗的海对俄国的战争开端。这包含了关于“骚扰妇女、未授权袭击城镇和村庄、偷盗、掠夺、焚烧教堂与医院等”。欧洲大国认为,救护车救护伤员的服务是中立的,不应该被袭击。See Francois Bugnion,Le Comité Interna-tional de la Croix-Rouge et la protection des victimes de la guerre(Geneva:Comité Interna-tional de la Croix Rouge,1986),12,24 .

【105】 Pateman,The Sexual Contract,94 .

【106】 Cecil A .Spring-Rice,“I Vow to Thee My Country”(1918—of all years!).A-vailable online at:http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/i/v/ivow2the.htm,accessed on 5 Oc-tober 2003.

【107】 Carl J .Friedrich,Transcendent Justice:The Religious Dimensions of Constitu-tionalism(Durham,N .C .:Duke University Press,1961),67 .

【108】 Liah Greenfeld,Nationalism:Five Roads to Modernity(Cambridge,Mass .:Harvard University Press,1992),3 .

【109】 Wight,Power Politics,28 .一位本书的评论者说,代词“她”(she)在句子中的使用,说明国家的女性拟人化形象暗示了脆弱性,并且需要男性的保护。

【110】关于英国案例的进一步分析,可参见Linda Colley,Britons:Forging the Nation,1707-1937(New Haven,Conn .:Yale University Press,1992).In this context,one is also reminded of the French textbooks in use in West Africa from which young African students learned about“nos ancêtres,les Gaulois”。

【111】 See Robert Ergang,Herder and the Foundation of German Nationalism(New York:Columbia University Press,1931),239,247,252 .



【114】 Karma Nabulsi,Traditions of War:Occupation,Resistance,and the Law(Ox-ford:Oxford University Press,1999),111-125 .

【115】 20世纪80年代初的研究显示,国际关系领域92 .9 %的设想都受到了现实因素的严重干扰。John Vasquez,The Power of Power Politics:A Critique(New Brunswick,N . J .:Rutgers University Press,1983),165-167 .

【116】关于该过程的叙述,可参见David Davis,Slavery and Human Progress(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1984)。

【117】 See Lassa Oppenheim,International L aw:A T reatise,edited by Hersch Lauter-pacht,7th ed .(London:Longmans Green,1955),II:733-734。

【118】 Colley,Britons:Forging the Nation,354 .

【119】 Tom J .Farer and Felice Gaer,“The UN and Human Rights,”in United Na-tions,Divided World:The UN’s Roles in International Relations,edited by Adam Roberts and Benedict Kingsbury(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993),242 .

【120】 Jackson-Preece,National Minorities and the European Nation-States System,60-61 .

【121】 Nicholas Wheeler,Saving Strangers:Humanitarian Intervention in Internation-al Society(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),46;S . Neil MacFarlane,“Interven-tion in Contemporary World Politics,”Adelphi Paper No .350(Oxford:Oxford University Press for the International Institute for Strategic Studies,2002),26-29 .

【122】 〔4〕

【123】 Jackson-Preece,National Minorities and the European Nation-States System,62 .

【124】 Francis Lieber,“Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field,”available online at:http://fletcher.tufts.edu/multi/texts/historical/LIEBER-CODE.txt,accessed 5 October 2004.

【125】 Roberts and Guelff,eds .,Documents on the L aw o f W ar,12-13 .

【126】 Bugnion,Le Comité International de la Croix-Rouge et la protection des victimes de la guerre,12 .Bugnion notes that the chances of surviving a war wound were lower under Napoleon III than they had been under Louis XIV .

【127】关于该事件的背景,可参见MacFarlane,“Politics and Humanitarian Action”。

【128】关于这个论争的背景,可参见Eric Myles,“‘Humanity’,‘Civilization’ and the‘Inter-national Community’in the Late Russian Imperial Mirror:Three Ideas Topical for Our Days,”Jour-nal of the History of International Law 4(February 2002):316-318 .For the text of the convention,see Roberts and Guelff,eds.,Documents on the L aw o f W ars,54-55。

【129】 Roberts and Guelff,eds .,Documents on the L aw o f W ars,55 .

【130】关于文本,可参见ibid .,60-61 and 64-65 .For background,see Don Hubert,“The Landmine Ban:A Case Study in Humanitarian Advocacy,”Occasional Paper No .42(Providence,R .I .:Thomas J .Watson Jr .Institute for International Studies,2000),1-2。

【131】 Robert Heilbroner,The Worldly Philosophers,6th ed .(Harmondsworth,UK:Penguin,1986),125-126 .


【133】关于进一步的讨论,可参见David Blackbourn,H istory o f Germany 1780-1918:The Long Nineteenth Century,2nd ed .(Oxford:Blackwells,2003),260-262。We are grate-ful to our colleague,Dr .Jonathan Wright,for this citation .

【134】在这方面,公约与宪章的序言存在着惊人的差异。See Jack Donnelly,Interna-tional H uman Rights(Boulder,Colo .:Westview Press,1993),7 .

【135】 Farer and Gaer,“The UN and Human Rights,”243 .

【136】 Jackson Preece,National Minorities and the European Nation-States System,68 .

【137】关于国际联盟在该地区作用的分析,可参见Louise Holborn,Re f ugees,a Prob-lem of Our Time:The Work of the UN HCR,1951-1972(Metuchen,N .J .:Scarecrow Press,1975),1:3-20。

【138】 Gil Loescher,Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refu-gee Crisis(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993),33 .

【139】 Ibid .,37-38 .

【140】 56个政府签署了《1922俄国难民协定》,8个政府签署了《1933俄国难民继续协定》,3个政府签署了《1938德国及奥地利难民协定》。

【141】 Robert Jackson,“International Community beyond the Cold War,”in Beyond Westphalia?State Sovereignty and International Intervention,edited by Gene Lyons and Michael Mastanduno(Baltimore,Md .:Johns Hopkins University Press,1995),78 .

【142】 Simon Chesterman,“Introduction:Global Norms,Local Contexts,”in Chester-man,ed .,Civilians in War(Boulder,Colo .:Lynne Rienner,2001),1 .

【143】 Bugnion,Le Comité International de la Croix-Rouge et la protection des victimes de la guerre,94-95 .

【144】 International Labour Organization,Constitution(Geneva:ILO,1919),available online at:http://www.ilo.org/public/english/about/iloconst.htm#1ap2,accessed 3 May 2005.

【145】 For a comprehensive discussion,see International Labour Office,Social Policy in Dependent Territories(Montreal:International Labour Office,1944),49-61 .

【146】 Franklin Delano Roosevelt,“Inaugural Address,”4 March 1933,available online at:ht-tp://www .yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/presiden/inaug/froos1 .htm,accessed 5 October 2004 .

【147】在美国,工资、薪金、商业利润总额在1929年达到了150亿美元,而在1932年只有8 .86亿美元,下降了94%。Heilbroner,The Worldly Philosophers,276 .

【148】 Henry Kissinger,A World Restored,295 .

【149】 Clement Atlee,“Statement”at the opening of the first session of the General As-sembly,“Verbatim Record of the First Plenary Meeting”(General Assembly document A/PV .1,41),10 January 1946,available online at:http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/landmark/pdf/a-pv1.pdf,accessed 22 December 2004.

【150】对于干涉,我们的意思是强制性地参与一个国家的内部事务。关于干涉定义的进一步讨论,可参见S .Neil MacFarlane,Intervention in Contemporary World Politics(Oxford:Oxford University Press for the International Institute of Strategic Studies,2002),13-15。


【152】爱德华·斯特蒂纽斯,美国国务卿,引自UNDP,Human Development Report 1994:New Dimensions of Human Security(New York:United Nations Development Pro-gramme,1994),3。



【155】 《大西洋宪章》最初是英美的声明书,表明了二战时期指导行动的共同原则,是由富兰克林·罗斯福和温斯顿·丘吉尔于1941年8月14日在纽芬兰的阿金夏港签署的。A-vailable online at:http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/wwii/atlantic.htm.

【156】美国提出的草案在理兰德·古德里奇(Leland Goodrich)、爱德华德·哈姆博罗(Edvard Hambro)以及安妮·帕里西亚·西蒙斯(Anne Patricia Simons)等人的著作中再次被提到。The Charter of the United Nations:Commentary and Documents(New York:Co-lumbia University Press,1969)665-672 .引文在第672页。在此基础上,邓巴顿·奥卡斯草案没有对人权作出具体规定。

【157】 Goodrich,Hambro,and Simons,The Charter of the United Nations,10 .

【158】 Ibid .,92 .

【159】 Adam Roberts and Benedict Kingsbury,“The UN’s Roles in International Socie-ty,”in United Nations,Divided World:The UN’s Roles in International Relations,edited by Adam Roberts and Benedict Kingsbury(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993),49 .


【161】 Jack Donnelly,“State Sovereignty and International Intervention:The Case of Human Rights,”in Beyond Westphalia?State Sovereignty and International Intervention,edited by Gene M .Lyons and Michael Mastanduno(Baltimore,Md .:Johns Hopkins Univer-sity Press,1995),116 .

【162】 UN Division for the Advancement of Women,“Sexual Violence and Armed Con-flict:United Nations Response,”Women 2000(April 1998),available online at:http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/public/w2apr98.htm# part4.

【163】 Preliminary Report Submitted by the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women,Its Causes and Consequences(ECOSOC document E/CN .4/1995/42),24 November 1994,para .27(a),available online at:http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/o/75ccfd797b0712d08025670b005c9a7d/Opendocument.

【164】 GA resolution 3318(XXIX),14 December 1974 .

【165】 M .G .Johnson and Janusz Symonides,The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:A History of Its Creation and Implementation,1948-1998(Paris:UNESCO,1998),32 .

【166】 Michael Ignatieff,“Human Rights as Politics,”in Ignatieff,Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry,edited and introduced by Amy Gutmann(Princeton,N .J .:Princeton University Press,2001),5 .

【167】关于希腊为什么犹豫迟疑的讨论,可参见Andreas G .Papandreou Foundation,“The Council of Europe Fights for Democracy in Greece,1967-1969”。

【168】 Council of Europe,Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Funda-mental Freedoms,Rome,4 November 1950,preamble,available online at:http://conven-tions.coe.int,accessed 5 October 2004.

【169】关于欧洲联盟委员会和欧洲人权法院具有的权力、法定程序,可参见Ralph Bed-dard,Human Rights and Europe(London:Sweet and Maxwell,1980),38-50 .委员会和法院合并,后者的权力在20世纪80年代扩大。

【170】 11号条约的规定(1998)将接受个人投诉。

【171】 Donnelly,“State Sovereignty and International Intervention:The Case of Human Rights,”133 .

【172】或许《赫尔辛基进程》(Helsinki Process)最重要的影响是它支持了苏维埃阵营的不同政见者的活动,因为社会主义国家的公民试图让他们的政府对赫尔辛基最终决议负责。这些活动可能加速了社会主义阵营的政治格局改变。


【174】 《圣侯塞协定》(San José protocol)中缺少的对于经济、社会权益的关注在它的补充条约(the Protocol of San Salvador,1988)中得到了补充。

【175】美洲内部关于人权的审判和观点,可参见http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/iachr/series_A.html,accessed 5 October 2004,所有关于这部分的内容都可在这个网站找到。

【176】文本资料源于非盟网:http://www.africa-union.org/Official_documents/Trea-ties_% 20Conventions_% 20Protocols/Banjul% 20Charter.pdf,accessed 22 December 2004。

【177】例如,10 .2号条例中免于强制而加入组织的规定在29号条例中得到了认证。

【178】该法庭成立于《瓦加杜古议定书》(Ouagadougou Protocol)(也即关于成立非洲人权法院的非洲人权宪章,1998年6月10日)之上。Available online at:http://www.africa-union.org/rule_prot/africancourt-humanrights.pdf,accessed 11 June 2005.这已经属于战后时期,在此不做讨论。

【179】 Christopher Clapham,A f rica and the International System:The Politics of State Survival(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press .1996),191 .

【180】 Helena Cook,“Amnestry International at the UN,”in“The Conscience of the World”:The Influence of Non-Governmental Organisations in the UN System,edited by Peter Willetts(London:Hurst and Company,1996),182 .提要中的介绍主要来自库克(Cook)对于大赦国际与联合国的多边互动所作的介绍。



【183】 Gil Loescher,Beyond Charity:International Cooperation and the Global Refu-gee Crisis(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993),48 .罗舍(Loescher)提出这次难民危机与20世纪初苏联(以及它的社会主义同盟)的不同。但是在20世纪40年代末,苏联政府以及社会主义同盟支持难民回国,但是难民不愿意回去。

【184】 Ibid .,51 .

【185】 Ibid .,50 .

【186】 Ibid .,53 .

【187】 General Assembly resolution 428(v),14 December 1950 .

【188】 See the Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,28 July 1951,available online at:http://www.unhcr.ch,accessed 5 October 2004.强制遣返(Nonre-foulement)是指,如果人们返回故土可能受到迫害,所以其他人无权强制要求他们返回。

【189】 20世纪50年代末,联合国难民基金的成立对于该组织的发展具有不寻常的意义,因为这意味着联合国难民署的决策不再需要等待联合国的许可,并且,随着时机成熟,无需经过联合国大会的批准。

【190】 Loescher,Beyond Charity,63 .自从联合国难民署解决了匈牙利革命后的难民潮问题后,对此的态度有所转变。

【191】 See consideration of the European Convention on Consular Functions(1967),Ar-ticle 48,and the Protocol to the European Convention on Consular Functions Concerning the Protection of Refugees(1967),in“Committee on Legal Cooperation,Explanatory Report,”available online at:http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/Reports/HTML/061.htm,ac-cessed 5 October 2004.

【192】 Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa(1969),available online at:http://www.africa-union.org/Official_documents/Treaties_% 20Conventions_% 20Protocols/Refuggee_Convention.pdf,accessed 5 October 2004.

【193】 OAS,Convention on Territorial Asylum(1954),available online at:http://www.oas.org/juridico/english/Treaties/a-47.html,accessed 5 October 2004.

【194】 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees(1984),available online at:http://www.un-hcr.ch/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home/opendoc.htm?tbl = RSDLEGALid = 3ae6b36ecpage =research,accessed 22 December 2004.

【195】 1907年的《海牙公约》第四条承认国家对其军队的行为负责,并对补偿作出了承诺。See Adam Roberts and Richard Guelff,eds .,Documents on the Laws of War,3rd ed .(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),175 .


【197】 Telford Taylor,Nuremberg and Vietnam:An American Tragedy(Chicago:Quadrangle,1970),143 .

【198】 Kirsten Sellars,The Rise and Rise of Human Rights(Stroud,UK:Sutton Pub-lishing,2002),35 .

【199】 David Forsythe,Human Rights in International Relations(Cambridge:Cam-bridge University Press,2000),85-86 .

【200】 Sellars,The Rise and Rise of Human Rights,61 .

【201】 Section A of General Assembly resolution 260,9 December 1948 .


【203】关于总结性的叙述,可参见Roberts and Guelff,eds .,Documents on the Laws of W ar,179。


【205】 Part III,Section I,Article 27 .

【206】虽然有些国家愿意承认有关其国内争端的国际行为准则,但几乎没有人愿意明确承认共同条款3适用于它们所卷入的冲突。我们感谢亚当·罗伯茨爵士(Sir Adam Ro-berts)澄清了这一点。


【208】 Goodrich,Hambro,and Simons,Charter of the United Nations,34 .

【209】 Ibid .

【210】 Edvard Hambro,“Preface,”in ibid .,vi .

【211】”Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty,”General Assembly resolu-tion 2131,21 December 1965 .See also the“Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among State in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,”General Assembly resolutions 2625,24 October 1970;and“Defini-tion of Aggression”General Assembly resolution 3314,14 December 1974 .

【212】相关分析可参见Gene Lyons and Michael Mastanduno,“State Sovereignty and International Intervention,”in Lyons and Mastanduno,eds .,Beyond Westphalia?272n45。

【213】 Charter of the OAS,Article 11;Charter of the OAU,Article 3 .2 .

【214】我们之所以不把安理会关于巴勒斯坦问题的行动包括在内,是因为以色列没有在1967年的战争中占领约旦、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、埃及的领土。See Security Council resolution 242,22 November 1967 .

【215】 1961年这在联合国成为一个严重的问题。其原因是新增了大量非洲成员国,而葡萄牙在不断努力保住其海外殖民地的孤立,以及阻止当年安哥拉解放战争的爆发。

【216】 Security Council resolution 163(1961);180(1963);183(1963);312(1972);322(1972).

【217】 Security Council resolution 202(1965);216(1965);217(1965);221(1966);232(1966);253(1968);277(1970);314(1972);318(1972);388(1976).

【218】 Security Council resolution 181(1963);182(1963);190(1964);191(1964);282(1970);311(1972);392(1976);417(1977);418(1977).

【219】比如可参见the preamble to Security Council resolution 182(1963)。


【221】 U N Security Council resolution 418(1977).

【222】关于联合国不愿意支持政府武装力量的敌对活动,以及因此造成的非洲部队派遣国与联合国的紧张关系,可参见Jane Boulden,Peace Enforcement:The United Nations Experience in Bosnia,Congo,and Somalia(Westport,Conn .:Praeger,2001)。

【223】 Security Council resolution 361(1974).

【224】尤其是鼓励“尽可能地救助缓冲地区的正常平民活动”。See Karl Th .Birgisson,“U-nited Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus,”in The Evolution of UN Peacekeeping,edited by Wil-liam J.Durch(New York:St .Martin’s Press,1993);United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations,“Cyprus— UNFICYP—Background,”available online at:http:// www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unficyp/background.html,accessed 5 October 2004.

【225】 See Nicholas Wheeler,Saving Strangers:Humanitarian Intervention in Interna-tional Society(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000),55-138;ICISS,The Responsibility to Protect(Ottawa:International Development Research Centre,2001),2:49-78 .

【226】 Wheeler,Saving Strangers,62-63 .

【227】安理会的印度代表,引自Thomas G .Weiss and Don Hubert,The Responsibility to Protect:Research,Bibiliography,Background(Ottawa:International Development Re-search Centre,2001),55 .

【228】 Wheeler,Saving Strangers,58 .

【229】 Security Council resolution 303(1971).

【230】 General Assembly resolution 2793(1971).

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